meat chicken

  1. ShrekDawg

    Cheapest meat birds

    This is just for curiosity’s sake since I can’t have chickens at the new place but maybe it will help somebody else soooo….. What’s the cheapest place to buy meat birds? Specifically Cornish Cross but also maybe ranger types? I know it probably varies some or some maybe have sales or...
  2. JennyFromTheBawk

    Meat Chick with vent gleet?

    Hello, This is our first time with meat birds (but we’ve had laying hens for a few years). We have 40 Cornish Giants and they’re 4.5 weeks old living their best life in a couple pastured chicken tractors. The other day I discovered one male was getting picked on and his butt was bloody. He’s...
  3. WatkinsCluckers

    Raising Meat Chickens

    I love the idea of selling meat chickens, but I hate the idea of physically killing them (ironic, I know). For y'all that sell chickens for meat, is there a common practice of raising the chickens to their appropriate age and then sending them all off to get butchered and dressed for you? Or do...
  4. How To Process A Chicken At Home

    How To Process A Chicken At Home

    With the rising cost of food and especially meat, many people are looking to closer to home to start raising their food. Backyard gardens are on the rise, and many people are starting to raise their own chickens for eggs. Meat chickens are one meat source that can be raised with minimal space...
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