meat and eggs

  1. J

    Consuming eggs and meat of ill quail

    New to the hobby and have just noticed some of my layers in 1 hutch appear to be falling ill with diarrhea and lethargy, with some having a closed eye. I was wondering if the eggs laid by those with symptoms can still be considered safe to consume or if they should just be thrown out? Also if I...
  2. The chicken nurd

    How much do you sell you poultry’s meat and eggs

    How much do you sell you poultry’s meat and eggs?
  3. ChickChic00

    Meat Breeds?

    Are Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock and Delaware chickens good to raise for meat? Thanks in advance!
  4. Dfarago

    Best egg chicken

    Questions are at the bottom My husband and I would like to add some more chickens to our little farm. We have a rooster and hen we got from a neighbor to just roam around the yard for big control and chicken tv. We started with the rooster and three hens but one got killed by the other hens and...
  5. Starting Over the Dual Purpose Project

    Starting Over the Dual Purpose Project

    Starting over can be a hard thing to do. Remembering how far you came before can actually hinder you even more when you have to go back to the beginning. I found that I needed to do just that. My health was not great and I was finding that I needed to cut back in order to be able to still raise...
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