
  1. B

    Is this bumble foot?

    Hi! My duck is acting totally fine, eating normally and not lethargic or limping. I noticed these spots on her feet. The brown spot is on one foot and looks like a scab. The other one is a red spot. Flat, not lumpy. Not sure what this is? Thank you!
  2. G

    Arthritis in runner ducks foot/ankle joint.

    Hi all. I’m looking for some advice regarding treatment of my ducks foot. After a trip to the vet and an x-ray, I was told that her bone has crumbled and she has arthritis. There is nothing more that they can do for her except give her an anti-inflammatory painkiller (which doesn’t really seem...
  3. B

    Indian Runner duck just started limping

    Hi! I have 8 Indian runner ducks (females). Today I noticed one of them starting to limp. I was worried it was bumble foot, but upon inspection, the only thing we saw was a tiny wound on the top of her foot. This is my first time raising ducks (and first post!). Is there a spray or an ointment I...
  4. L

    Is this the start of a drake feather?

    Hi! Can anyone tell if this is the start of a drake feather? The runner duck in front is the one in question! Thank you!
  5. T

    Is this a Blue Runner? Female or Male?

    My mother gifted me 2 ducks in April, but didn’t take a picture or their brooder label or remember what it said they were… they are supposed to both be girls, but I know how reliable that can be coming from Tractor Supply. I posted months ago on Reddit, and everyone either said Swedish Blue or...
  6. M

    Our new babies

    I finally found the ones! My new gorgeous little runners I had been searching for months and I finally found them. Unsexed but by looking at them yesterday they are looking like 1 drake and 3 ducks 2 look chocolate in colour and 2 look black in colour what are your thoughts on what colours they...
  7. K

    MY DUCK STARTED LAYING EGGS!!! A Couple Questions...

    hi everyone! my 6-ish month old indian runner duck started laying eggs 2 days ago!!! i was so happy because i've never gotten any eggs from MY OWN ducks before! i was actually really surprised because even though she is around the age of laying eggs, it is february, and i live in utah where...
  8. Newduckmommy1221

    Any recommendations on where/what site to purchase duck diapers? Preferably with adjustable straps!

    Hi there, any diaper recommendations for my Indian runner ducklings would be greatly appreciated. I have three of them, 10days old and pooping like crazy! I’m in love with them but not so much sith the green poop. Any help on duck diapers will be greatly appreciated! I know they’re still...
  9. Chevalia's feathered farm

    My Indian runner is broody!

    Has anyone had an Indian runner duck hatch her own eggs? My Blue Indian Runner has been broody for the past couple of days, she is sitting on some eggs and I am so excited to see if she stays on them. Anyone have broody ducks that hatch their own eggs? Her name is Morgana. :)
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