essential oils

  1. G

    Arthritis in runner ducks foot/ankle joint.

    Hi all. I’m looking for some advice regarding treatment of my ducks foot. After a trip to the vet and an x-ray, I was told that her bone has crumbled and she has arthritis. There is nothing more that they can do for her except give her an anti-inflammatory painkiller (which doesn’t really seem...
  2. M

    I'm Attempting to Heal a Duck w/ Likely Aspergillosis

    I've put off posting because I know some of my choices may not be well received. Let me start by saying I LOVE my duck more than I could put into words and am pulling out all the stops to attempt to help her heal; so please be gentle. :) It is most likely that Miss Dewey has aspergillosis...
  3. cvlcite

    Essential oils to clean chicken coop

    Hey yall. I’ve been reading about putting in a few drops of essential oils in a water and vinegar mixture to clean & deodorize chicken coops, was just wondering if these oils are ok to use? I question it bc I know some oils are unsafe for certain animals and wanted to know if the ones I have...
  4. Ashleegilbert

    Flock with CRD

    My flock has been showing symptoms for a while now, I’ve tried all the natural remedies I could find (ACV, Garlic) as well as vetrx in their water. It seems to help for a day, then it’s back to normal. Symptoms include sneezing, open mouth breathing, bubbly eyes, deaths in a few, gurgling...
  5. T

    Honey + Thieves/OnGuard worked to Naturally Cure Terrible Respiratory Illness, Cough, & Sneezing

    I had a hen with a terrible sounding respiratory illness and used the advice and recipe I found buried in an old post and it worked! I’m going to share it here with key words that I hope help it show up when others search. The Recipe: 1 tsp honey + 2 drops Thieves or Onguard + 1 drop Oregano...
  6. Pghelp

    Essential oils for chickens

    I thought some of this group might be interested in this article. We're trying to raise our hens as organic as possible and some of these suggestions seemed viable options. Has anyone else used essential oils with their flocks? Pros or cons...
  7. Chickenchick11

    Easy Chicken Fly Spray - Natural + Safe

    With spring finally having officially arrived in my neck of the woods, :celebrate I figured I'd share with you all my super easy fly spray recipe. It's natural and non-toxic, unlike the flysprays that can be bought at feed stores. I use this stuff to detour flies around my coop, and spray it on...
  8. Gwynny7

    Can I use Essential Oils on myself without harming my Birds?

    I could not find a particular thread that would fit my needs, so I am posting here on random ramblings. Does anyone know if essential oils are bad for birds? I know with poultry we have to be careful to avoid anything that could affect our birds respiratory system. I am getting some...
  9. S

    Hi, from Sanctuary Hill Farm in Auburn, AL!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Pretty new. We started with (5) RIR in May of 2016. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? (6) RIR (3) Buff Orpingtons (2) Silver Laced Wyandottes (1) Delaware (1) Americauna/RIR mix (1) Wheaton Maran (4) Maran babies that we...
  10. A

    Essential Oils

    I have been hearing about how farmers are adding Oregano to water to help keep their chickens healthy. I sell EO's so I have lots on hand and I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience adding Oregano EO (or any other oil) to their birds water. If you've tried it, I'd love to hear back from...
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