emergency disease help

  1. M


    My baby is in the ICU for the night!! Doc is not finding much, throwing this out there to see if anyone has experienced anything similar. My 3yr old Sebastopol goose was super lethargic today, did not react when I got close, walked away from me like he was a little drunk/slow/wobbly, both legs...
  2. Aaronleon

    Barred Rock Hen - White discharge around vent, along with feces, bulging tissue, blood, and a golf ball size cluster of maggots. HELP

    My barred rock is suffering from the following: Chickens butt is covered in wet feces, white secretions, blood, and a clump of maggots gathered around her vent, that also happens to be bulging when she strains to poop, blood, feces and maggots fall. First noticed her droppings, with watery...
  3. Lalagirl

    Sick specked sussex hen!

    My chicken is about 4 years old and has been sick on and off for about a year. I noticed her acting lethargic and when I pick her up I could feel her sturnaum and she weighed about a pound she was skin and bone. She was not eating the treats I was giving to the chickens and when I went to catch...
  4. CloneFly

    Swollen Joint- Adult Male Quail

    I have a 1yr old male coturnix quail that l lost one of his toes a few months back due to an infection. I recently noticed him laying down more and limping when walking and after a little searching, found his left elbow severely swollen. I read on a seperate thread that it could be...
  5. S

    Help! What is happening with my ducks?

    For context: I have a flock of 18 Pekin ducks. It’s been over 100 degrees F or around that for the last week or so. I have a large open pond in my backyard that is connected to other ponds in my area, including my neighbors pond. The neighbors teen hates me and I would not put it past her to try...
  6. M

    4 Week-Old with Gapeworm (Urgent)

    Hi, yesterday I adopted a meat bird who was behind her flock growth-wise. She spent the night in my bathtub refusing to eat or drink and exhibiting raspy breath. Today, she finally drank some water and immediately gurgled it all back up every time. Seems clear to me she has Gapeworm, she's...
  7. B

    Help! Red bumps below chickens vent??

    Hello, yesterday I checked Bok Boks feathers and everything looked normal except below her vent. I attached photos of what I saw because I have no idea what it is… she is acting fine but hasn’t been laying eggs lately? Any ideas on what it is and what to do? (She is 2 1/5 years old)
  8. S

    Mouth breathing chicken not heat related

    Hi all, I have a one year hen who has been mouth breathing constantly. At first we thought it was heat related but she mouth breaths all day and night and the weather has been in the 70s. Her comb is maybe slightly paler than normal but she has been eating, drinking, sleeping, laying eggs and...
  9. G

    Quail can’t stand up, keeps stumbling, help!

    My quail has been feeling sick. For the last few days, she has only been able to see out of her left eye, even though both of her eyes are wide open. I can tell because she’d walk circles around the food bowl or tilt her head towards one side all the time. She eats and drinks but her poop is...
  10. Silkiechickie13

    Hen’s vent is clogged with white tissue? Please help

    Hello everyone! *graphic images* My silkie hen has a clogged vent yesterday I saw she was just sitting there but did not suspect anything this afternoon her rear feathers were covered in a watery substance and when I picked her up she vomited on me. I thought she was egg bound but further...
  11. B

    One eye closed and acting Broody

    Hi there again, I have one hen that has one eye closed, it looks a bit swollen-no discharge and she is in the egg box and acting broody. When I take her out of the egg box she is not happy at all and makes lots of noise and puffs up and runs back to the egg box. She seems broody but that and the...
  12. G

    Gander weak, not eating, cannot stand

    Having a gander of approximately 4-5 months old. It had a toenail broken earlier this week and had blood lost. The blood stopped eventually, but as it sometimes raises its foot with the broken nail, I think it hurts to him. Today, the gander could walk earlier, but since a few hours ago, its...
  13. Ducklover7


    Hi, so I am a very worrisome pet owner(my duck is a pet) and I noticed my, a little over a year old Welsh Harlequin limping. I brought her in the house because she can barely walk. In the past she has had bumblefoot and my family believes that to be the cause of her limp, but I’m a afraid she...
  14. R

    Sick chicken

    I have a6 year old rooster that started limping a few weeks ago, thought nothing of it at the time since he had no noted injuries. Few days ago he is having very hard time walking as if his joints are painful, his wattles are swollen and he has dark spots on his comp/mild swelling as well. His...
  15. HensSweetHens

    Weird bump on my hen's comb, she's getting worse by day! EMERGENCY HELP NEEDED! PLEASE!

    A strange bump developed on my chicken Amber 6 days ago. She stopped eating or drinking. Cannot walk or balance herself when she stands. Poop is very green and liquid. Has fever all the time - over 110 F. She's been on Tylan 50 for 4 days. Today she isn't opening her eyes and is very weak...
  16. J

    Turkey is sneezing and poop looks odd

    Hi there! New Turkey owner here! We have 2 BBB Turkey Toms and one of them is sneezing off and on while the other is just fine. My biggest concern is how weird and inconsistent their poops are.. Sometimes the poop is a mustard color and kind of foamy. Other times its harder with a white cap...
  17. hasaanzia

    Urgent help needed !

    I have a rooster that is white faced spanish black. He got ND (Newcastle disease) like 2 weeks back. Though he had no nervous system/paralysis symptoms he has become very weak and wont eat anything. I give him porridge in water with dropper but he is not getting any better. He has difficulty...
  18. R

    Breathing issue

    my hen is breathing through mouth with noise and taking her tougue out Anyone who knows what is it and how this can be cured please please Respond to this
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