coop design help

  1. P

    New coop build, need help designing! (South Eastern Ontario)

    Hey, I am new to the group but have been doing a lot of googling and this site always come up with all the info! I'm looking to build a 6x8 coop on an existing concrete pad but there is so much info out there that I'm hoping I can save going down some wrong paths by getting some advice. I'm...
  2. A

    Coop Renovation Help/Ideas

    Hi all, I have an old coop my dad and I built a few years ago for a flock of chickens we didn't end up keeping for long. I recently got back into having chickens and have owned a small flock now for almost a year. A lot of them unfortunately fell victim to a coyote a few days ago, so I'm going...
  3. K

    External nest box safe height outside coop?

    We're building our first coop and run and it's on a slope and I just realized that because of the slope, the external nesting boxes are closer to the ground than seems safe (we have racoons, mink, rats plenty of predators). The external nest boxes will be on the uphill-most side of the coop. We...
  4. hannahsocal

    Double Coop Breeding Pen Designs?

    Hello! I have barred rocks and leghorns and I’m trying to think of a good design for a “space-saving” double coop (aka 2 hutches that are connected) so that each side/hutch/coop can house one breed of chicken. Every design I come across is either too small or has a shared run (which wouldn’t be...
  5. ChickenOfSpades

    Coop design feedback

    I've shopped and deliberated, and I think I'm just gonna bite the bullet and build a coop from scratch. I drew up a quick wireframe of how I imagine the coop. I've attached images from different angles and showing the interior. The random dude with a dinosaur shirt and ukulele is there for...
  6. The chicken nurd

    Questions about adding ventilation

    Any suggestions on adding ventilation to my coop (Pictures are from today while I was cleaning it the first 4 are of the inside with the doors off and the last one is a front view of the coop with the doors on)
  7. The chicken nurd

    Question about adding poop board

    I finished my new coop a few months ago and now am realizing it might be nice to add a poop board to keep the coop a little cleaner any suggestions on how to do that (Picture of roost below)
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