bumble foot treatment

  1. Katakornchicks

    Experimental Bumblefoot removal success!! (The Easy Way!!)

    Hey folks. So bumblefoot is one ailment I've always struggled to treat within my flock, and I've never been able to find a way to do it successfully after many difficult (and mildly traumatic attempts) but finally, I've discovered the secret. A, dare I say it, EASY way! I've done this on 3 feet...
  2. N

    Bumble foot treatment

    Hi guys..My magpie and pekin ducks both have bumble feet...They can walk and they seems fine but I want to treat these scars on their feet as fast as possible since it can infected the bones...I tried to wash the scars with water and salt and then put some antibiotic ointment on them but they...
  3. Katakornchicks

    Bumblefoot galore! What went wrong?

    Hi there. I've had my flock for a few years now and bumblefoot cases have been far and few between. Today I went and checked my birds, and I probably have like 5-6 with it now! What did I do wrong? I try to keep the coop clean, it's usually not muddy (unless excess rain, and it's very large! I...
  4. AggieKat

    Bumblefoot in a heat wave

    We are in the middle of a massively awful heat wave in Texas. Temps are in the hundreds with heat index in the 115-120s. To help my girls, I put out shallow pans of cold water and my main hen, Pepper stands in it a lot during the day. She already has bumblefoot starting on both feet 😢 It’s not...
  5. R

    What's this growth on my hen's foot?

    Hey...I have a problem. Cluckers has some growth on her foot. I'm not 100% positive what is it, but I think she has bumble foot. Is it something else or is it bumblefoot? I need to treat this. 😢 Also...whatever it is, how do I treat it? She got cut by something too. It's only on the bump. The...
  6. bethanyjbarrette

    Bumblefoot surgery necessary?

    I’ve attached a photo of bumblefoot I discovered today. I’ve never had a chicken with bumblefoot before, so I’m uncertain how to tell if I will need to remove it with a scalpel, or if soaking and wrapping daily will allow it to heal.
  7. N


    Hi everyone, 2 days ago I spotted that one of my barter browns toes were bent. Im sure this is new as Im almost positive I would have spotted it earlier if it was already there. Yesterday I saw a bubble on top of her foot. I am assuming she has bumblefoot. This would be my first time dealing...
  8. K


    My 1 year old jumbo pekin has a black scab, possibly Bumblefoot, on the bottom of her foot and some swelling around the top/ankle. She is babying the foot immensely and prefers to sit or lay down and she is picking up the foot and tucking it under her wing. I know it’s very very sore as we have...
  9. Silkiesaz

    Treating Bumble Foot, what else can I do?

    Hi all, I have a Rhode Island Red hen who has bumble foot. I was sick and hadn't been out to check on them for a few days. Her foot is swollen to twice the size it normally is. I found what I believe is the scab. I have never treated bumble foot before but I have read a lot about it. I am going...
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