breathing heavily

  1. Tanya22

    Rooster has runny nose and slight heavy breathing.

    Hello everyone! My rooster Brownie is 5 years old and today I observed that he was opening his beak a little bit to breathe (not always but from time to time though right now it has stopped) and was making light sounds while doing it. It sounded alarm bells in my head so I'm posting this. I put...
  2. sixxchixx

    Heavy breathing, won’t stand (DAY 4)

    Hello, I have a 2ish year old EE who has been ill since Saturday (today is Tuesday). We noticed she wasn’t really walking around or eager to free range with the other 3 hens in my backyard flock. I suspected eggbound. I bathed her, dried her and placed her in a small cage in my kitchen to keep...
  3. M

    Found an injured duck with maggots, healed the injury, but now concerned about fever. Help!

    Hello, A few days ago neighbors found an injured Muscovy duck and brought her to me because I have been raising ducks and chickens in my backyard. However, I have never had a bird with such a terrible injury; the duck seemed to have been bitten by something around her tail area, and the cuts...
  4. BokBokChicky

    Silkie fell off pole! Leg not moving, momentarily bleeding in mouth

    I was putting my rooster on a pole next to my silkie and he flapped his wings and my silke got knocked off. She landed on her side and started bleeding a little at the mouth, still breathing heavy, but there is no more blood. Her leg is now limp but we don't think it's broken by the knee...
  5. Puddingtheamericana

    Injured Quail Leg

    I have a quail named Clementine, she loves to squeeze behind things when she's nervous, although it usually backfires for her. she has a very natural coop filled with logs, rocks, plants, etc. I went to visit her today and couldn't spot her, then my brother told me she was behind her rocks. the...
  6. C

    Laying on side and breathing heavy!

    I brought my hen inside last night as I noticed she wasn't eating much and looked listless. This morning she is laying on her side, breathing heavily, and her eyes are half closed. I syringe-fed her some homemade electrolytes, but she hasn't improved. Any ideas on what it could be and I can do...
  7. C

    pavlovskaya Chick breathing heavy, mouth open, lethargic

    Hey everyone, please take a moment to comment if you have any advice. I’m new to chicks. I have several different breeds from rural king and two from a breeder. The one I’m currently having issues with is a pavlovskaya chick. I thought perhaps it was hot because it seems fluffier than my other...
  8. THEChIcKeNwhisperer354

    CHICK IS BREATHING HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sock is a Blue copper maran. She had a slipped tendon and curled toes that is now fixed and she can walk again. She started breathing hard today. She is a LOT smaller then her brothers and sisters they are all the same age. Why is she breathing hard!?!?!?!
  9. THEChIcKeNwhisperer354

    New Baby Chicks! But theres a problem HELP SPLAYEDISH LEG

    I got new chicks! But ones leg is splayed back is there any way I can help? They are Blue and Black copper marans.
  10. LynneBR

    Lump under chick's beak

    She's acting very lethargic, breathing heavy, eyes closed most of the time. There is a large lump below her beak on the left side only. Today is the first day that she's acted any different... seems to have gone downhill quickly (one day). She's a bantam, just over 4 months old. Any...
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