bantam duccles

  1. Jenn's Hens

    Seramas everywhere!

    Hi All! My old desktop died and I couldn’t figure the phone thing out forever. I’m still raising chickens and now ducks too! I will say this: in my limited experience, chickens are easier to keep alive than ducklings are! Hope I can remember how to get back and comment more!
  2. B

    Help confirming the sex of my 6 week old Belgian D’uccles??!?

    Hi all, Okay so I know it’s too early to know for sure buuuut I have a couple of Belgian D’uccle chicks that my broody hen has been raising . I bought them as day old sexed chicks from a very reputable breeder that I’ve purchased multiple chicks from in the past and the sexing had been 100%...
  3. FatChicksDigMe

    HELP! Isolating Bullies Together?

    Hi guys, I have a small flock of 10 bantams in an enclosed run (90 ft^2). Three of the bantams are seramas so they take even less space. Unfortunately, my two d'uccle pullets are getting bullied unnecessarily/unwarranted by my mottled cochin and EE bantam, which causes my silkie and green queen...
  4. Chickenmomma86

    Help!! feet bleeding

    I need help. I've tried everything I know. I went out to my coop Monday and noticed my little duccle's feet were bleeding and my silkies were pecking her feet. I've got the redness/bleeding and sores to go away but the second I put her back in the coop they are pecking her feet where her...
  5. D

    New chicken owner , few concerns

    Heya guys . I’m a new chicken mum and I do have a few concerns in trying to “age” my darlings . I also think they’re from the same hatchling but I read online if they do mate, it’s not the end of the world? You can mate into 3 generations? Anyway , my concerns are as follows abs I would really...
  6. Shadywood

    Mille fleur d’Uccle - gorgeous bantam young cockeral

    We have a gorgeous bantam Mille fleur d’uccle roo who needs a home, as we aren’t allowed cockerels. He is around 10 weeks and sweet, handled all his life and non-aggressive. On his way to developing magnificent feathers! Free to a good home in or near Cincinnati, Ohio
  7. Shadywood

    Mille Fleur d’Uccle - free - Gorgeous young bantam Roo needs home!

    We have a gorgeous bantam Mille fleur d’uccle roo who needs a home, as we aren’t allowed cockerels. He is around 10 weeks and sweet, handled all his life and non-aggressive. On his way to developing magnificent feathers! Free to a good home in or near Cincinnati, Ohio.
  8. topochico225

    Hatching Mille Fleur D'uccles, so excited!

    Hey y'all! I'm setting 12 D'uccle eggs this coming week in my 'bator, and I'm so excited! I love bantams, but D'uccles are one of my favorite breeds! I had a couple questions: When can you sex them/how can you sex them? It's illegal where I live to have roosters. What's their temperament...
  9. A

    Rescued hen not laying

    Hi all! About a month ago, I rescued a d’Uccle Mille Fleurs hen that had somehow gotten into a neighbors back orchard. She looks fairly young, certainly not too old to lay, but she has yet to lay any eggs. Does anyone more familiar with the breed have any tips on encouraging laying?
  10. sunny_bellyboo

    Info about d'uccles?? Also can I get some diagrams of any poultry anatomy??

    Hello everyone, my next show is still pretty far away. Here's what has happened recently: I re-enrolled to 4-H I'm only doing poultry this year I've decided on taking d'uccles I joined the avian team I've forgot most parts of a chicken So if anyone could give me info on d'uccles or chicken...
  11. Texas backyard chickens

    New in Greater Houston TX area -d’Uccles ?

    Hello: new to BYC . I had chickens growing up.... but not since then. I am preparing to get chickens this spring/summer I am wanting show quality stock if possible. I want Millie Fleur d’Uccles . Any one know of a reputable breeder locally or that ships . Doesn’t haveto be chicks. Will accept...
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