balding neck

  1. LilHitzel

    Bald Neck - 10 Months Old

    Hi! I don’t think this is necessarily an injury, but I’m not sure. Her neck has been bald for a couple of months now. No signs of mites or any other infestation, all of the hens get along super well and I don’t have any roosters. Is she just going through a molt? My Easter Egger also had the...
  2. TheBirdBabe

    Balding hen

    I have this poor hen that is a favorite amongst my roosters. They have never been a problem until recent.. for obvious reasons. lol They keep pulling her feathers out on the back of her neck! 😖 Otherwise, they're great roosters, but the poor girl is starting to get sunburnt! Is there something...
  3. nolamimi504

    HELP!!! Back of Neck on one of my ducks

    One of my female ducks has been constantly being attacked by 3 of my males, it’s always one leading the other two, he’s the fastest and chases the females and once he catches one the other two join in, sadly the female that’s the slowest is always the same one. We kept her in the kitchen...
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