
  1. minaayindra

    Older chickens going gray?

    I have multiple hens and one rooster, all hatched on the same day and now 4 1/2 years old. In the last 6 months, the roosters feathers around his beautiful ruff have changed from a vivid copper to white, as has his feathers on his head. Now I have his black Copper Maran hens showing white...
  2. P

    Egg candling!

    any estimates how old this egg is??
  3. B


    I have kept rescue chickens since 2009 and now have 14 ladies and a Rhode Island Red rooster too. I keep my flock at my allotments which are 2 minutes walk from home. My rescue Rottweiler attends daily with me along with my very naughty cat Arya. She prefers to be an only cat and there are...
  4. Jajika

    Chicken doesn't seem to see well?

    Hi Everyone: My sweet Thelma, about age 7, seems not to see well in certain circumstances. She is robust, eats, drinks, runs around and dirt bathes, so from that perspective she appears healthy and hearty. Yet, when I offer her spinach from my hand, she misses when she goes to peck at it. As...
  5. M

    Supplements for mixed flock approaching middle-age

    I have a mixed flock of turkeys, ducks, and silkies. Some are adopted so I don’t know everyone’s age but I think the oldest are around 3 and still laying. I’d like to start giving them some extra supplements to make sure they stay healthy for as many years as possible. Does anyone have...
  6. Lastknight

    Which chicken is older? Judging age of chickens.

    I have two gold chickens one is about one year old, the other is about 4 years. I need to get rid of the older one but can't tell which one is twinkie (the old one) and which one is Chick Norris (the young one). Do chickens have annular rings on their beaks or legs or something like that...
  7. 13ChickenGirl

    Signs of Pain in old horses

    last Year in May we got two old guys in their mid twentys and we thought it would be a good place to start for our small farm. The kids love them and have fun braiding their tails and riding then bare back around the pasture. Lately the paint, (Blue) who has had bad arthritis in his back legs...
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