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  1. wein315

    2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

    Question: Do I feed medicated or non-medicated feed? I have seen articles that say do and some that say don't. The only consistent message is protein above 20%. These guys are really cute and fun!
  2. wein315

    2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

    3 beautiful babies! Feeding them game bird starter. 24% protein. Had them out in the sun today and they had a blast. Stayed very close to me the whole time. They ate grass and ran around. Shocked that any hatched considering I took them from someone who robbed a nest from a feral flock that...
  3. wein315

    2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

    Hello, I have successfully hatched chickens and geese over the past 4 years. I'm on day 27 of incubating nine peafowl eggs. I acquired the eggs from a wild flock near me. Took them from somebody who robbed a nest to make omelettes, (Interesting story). All 9 are fertile and developed. I...
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