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  1. JenandHerQuails

    Chicken/quail hybrid???

    Thanks for the advice! I probably wont get them. Your right, this person could just send me regular quail eggs... Here is what the seller said to my question about the eggs: Well they are interesting , Eggs are laid by the female quail only so the eggs look like any other quail egg,but...
  2. JenandHerQuails

    Chicken/quail hybrid???

    Hmmm if they stay under $20 I might just get one and see what it hatches out to be.:hu I emailed this seller asking for pictures of the eggs.
  3. JenandHerQuails

    Chicken/quail hybrid???

    I was looking on ebay for hatching quail eggs and found this: Someone is selling chicken/quail hybrid hatching eggs! I would love to bid on them but I want to make sure this is real. Has anyone had quail hybrids before? Pictures...
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