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  1. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I retired my garden. While I enjoy growing plants, any plants and look at gardening as being a challenge, I am tired of fighting drought, heat and fungus infections in my vegetable gardens and am calling it quits. I will be 70 next year and even with container gardening it puts more wear and...
  2. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Any chance you are fighting fire blight? I had that hit my thornless when they were still amongst the living. Yep, copper spray is the treatment. We had fire blight hit our fruit trees and a few of our thornless blackberries but it was tough on the trees. Don't know how many we lost. What did...
  3. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Nothing so far this morning but yesterday I stopped by a greenhouse and bought 4 tomato plants, basil and rosemary along with a bundle of walla walla onions that I managed to get in the ground before the heavens opened and dumped rain on me. I also bought a beautiful dwarf canna already...
  4. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    That also looks like me fuming because the spring weather so far has been damp and cool and I gots things to be doin outside like planting my spring garden and transplanting some Asian lillies!
  5. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Gazed longingly out at my raised beds and prayed that the evenings would warm up so I can get my lettuce and spinach planted and it have a chance to germinate before rotting in the ground.
  6. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I picked another small amount of green beans today. My plants are blooming but slow to produce. I'm starting to fear that the heavy rains we have been getting is giving me a lot of plant and poor production. Lots of blooms though and I am hoping that they will still give me a large picking or...
  7. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I think the bulk of ours were triple Crowns. When they were bearing heavily the fruit was amazing. Some of the blackberries were as big as my thumb. They just weren't as hardy as the ads and the sellers claimed they were. Then we got hit with an infestation of fruit flies....the year a winery...
  8. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    You done good!
  9. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We had planted about 150 of the thornless blackberries. The person I talked to when I bought them (Stark Brothers) assured me that they were rated for Missouri growth zone. Well they provided about a season and a half worth of blackberries. I had sold about 50 pounds of them on their best year...
  10. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I say they look like the subject of a Stephen King book. Almost expect to wake up one morning and find a big turban squash sitting on my chest trying to turn into a clone of me like a pod in The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
  11. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Garden pictures. OOPs I hit the wrong button.
  12. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I won't be doing anything today because the weather is wet wetter wettest but two days ago I got out and hoed and hilled my 5 rows of onions and did a LOT of weeding. We had over 5 inches of rain here in 24 hours. Everything was lying flat on the ground. So i rigged lines to keep the green...
  13. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Almost forgot HAPPY BIRTHDAY @TJAnonymous. Hope you are blessed with a great day and many many more.
  14. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Today once the sun came out, I slogged out and did some weeding, then replanted some onions that never sprouted, cut gourmet leaf lettuce and spinach for a dinner salad along with the first two cucumbers from my three plants that I planted. Garden this year, I did manage to get two raised beds...
  15. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    What did I do in the garden today? Hmmm. My garden looks like @BullChick's garden at the minute but we have an ongoing project going trying to enhance the soil where our garden was last year. That means we have been dumping stove ash and chicken compost on the area. Some areas grew a marvelous...
  16. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hoed, weeded, fertilized. My garden is rewriting the definition of weird. Garden is a rectangle in shape running north and south. All the veggies on the south side of the garden are doing horrible. Stunted in spite of fertilizing, yellowing leaves. We have tried everything trying to perk them...
  17. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We had once get in our basement once in early winter. I went down to clean the cat litter boxes and stepped on it. I don't know who was more shocked, it or me! We scooped it up in a shovel and took it out to a brush pile where it could find more suitable winter hibernating spots.
  18. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My snap peas are just blooming....the ones the voles didn't get that is.:rant
  19. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Are they like dogs and hide under the bed when they get a hair cut or are they just so relieved to get rid of all that hot hair? Garden activity: I gave the birds cold water (got to 88 here today and everyone was walking around with their wings hanging) and used their nasty old water to water...
  20. microchick

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We had a bit of rain, thunder and lightening early this morning, not a lot but every little bit helps. @Wee Farmer Sarah congratulations on the peaches. Our trees didn't bloom this year. Off year for them and last year they were full of blooms and then we had a late freeze. Got every one of...
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