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  1. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    What a beautiful autumn day! The high today was 61 and we went to the zoo. Then I remembered why I don't like zoos my quiet, gentle, sweet natured 21 month old got overwhelmed but only teared up once because apparently rhinos are terrifying. The chickens think the garden is the best place to...
  2. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    This is probably going to sound insane but I toss my starter every spring. No matter what jar or cover or crock I use the fruit flies find a way in every spring/summer. As soon as it hit below 50 (last week) I began the starter process. This will be my first bake with this starter except the...
  3. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We were supposed to get rain tomorrow... nope... its so dry my own skin feels crunchy. There is a wildfire southwest of us and the wind isn't helping. Hopefully we both get rain soon!
  4. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hmm I'm behind on the thread lol @Ascholten glad to see you are doing well. The pictures coming out of Ft Meyers are terrifying...I don't even think that word covers it. Definitely a disaster. It's actually bread making day today here at my house lol. I plan my menu weekly, try to keep it...
  5. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hahah I'm with you! I've lived in blizzard territory and tornado alley but I will take weather like that over earthquakes any day! That 89 earthquake was a doozy! Honestly pretty cool you were at the world series for it. Very scary/cool story for certain.
  6. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I have always been amazed by intense weather...hurricanes, tornadoes and all the crazy in-between. This hurricane is impressive, the people of Puerto Rico are in a state of desperate emergency. I truly hope the folks in Florida hunker down and make it thru. I'm in north bama and we have been...
  7. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    The eye is massive!
  8. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Good morning. It was a balmy 44 when I woke up this morning with a high of 69. To say I'm happy would be an understatement. My little dude is getting his last molars and my neighbor gave me some red beans from her garden! So I guess red beans and rice with corn bread is what is all about tonight!
  9. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I sell my honey to my post office, it's a small one. Maybe just maybe the honey discount I've been giving them will help me out.
  10. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I didn't think of that thank you!
  11. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    So there I was aug 18..ordered all my fall seeds...not cheap. From Urban farmer seeds. Yup I had ordered from them quite a few times had dealt with customer service and had no issues in the past. Nothing showed up I waited and waited and waited. Suddenly it was marked as Shipped and DELIVERED...
  12. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My espresso maker is a stove top...30$ love it lol means I can have espresso when I camp! Grind and pack are super important in both machine and stove top maker for sure. Right there next to good beans. Though I don't think I would ever have a big machine don't have that kind of counter space
  13. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Idk if you have ever tried it but the only thing I purchase from Starbucks is the londonfog latte. No espresso or coffee just earl grey and foamed milk. I don't have a milk frother so every once in a while I slurge lol.
  14. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    He was a professor chef when Starbucks was seen as the "way" by all the trendy folk. The internet was newish and social media had just happened. He looked at us with hope and frustration. Thanks to him I leaned how to roast, pull a perfect espresso and why the afternoon espresso was so...
  15. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Trendy and a ton...literally..a ton of sugar. The first Starbucks was actually semi ok but then when it got big and trendy the beans lasting more than 2 weeks became an issue. My beverage chef physically hated what Starbucks had done to espresso because to him it was an afternoon art (he's...
  16. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    To add Starbucks probably goes for a third crack(I kid but seriously) their beans are basically charcoal
  17. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Oh definitely kona and jbm are hype mostly. I refuse to order or subscribe to anything that says "quality kona blend" or something similar because it's mostly Honduran coffee with a dash of kona. I only really bought kona when I lived in Hawaii and only direct from the roaster cause some people...
  18. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Ooooo I forgot all about El Salvador! That is brilliant coffee. I have a Jamaica blend right now(coffee subscription) I was gonna switch it to some Ethiopian but now yeah El Salvador all the way...that is the perfect autumn coffee. About your citrus...could it be citrus greening? The Asian...
  19. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    🤣 I do the same thing and my neighbor thinks I'm crazy! Our windows push out to the side and she's a bored retired lady. She called my yesterday afternoon "yall ok your windows are open! You might get sick" haha no no we are from the cold places(midwest and eat coast) we will be ok
  20. esturtz27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    The only other name I know coffee cherries by is Cascara. The juice is rich in antioxidants and tastes pretty decent too. Though it wasn't as marketable as coffee, not much is. Coffee was my focus in my beverage classes in college.. instead of a paper I had to procure green beans (I did 4...
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