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    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    You should probably check the definition of quarantine. Keeping them in the same space behind wire accomplishes nothing. Many pathogens are air bourne & wire won't stop the exchange of particulate matter.

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Sometimes they could be annoying. I remember trying to get through grow out pens of 50 or 60 of them trying to feed & water. They wouldn't even move out of the way-I had to push them to the side with my foot to get through.

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    and the aphids increased the protein content considerably! ETA: skinless chicken isn't worth cooking or eating

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    An older copy is fine if you're not interested in newly added breeds/varieties. The Red description hasn't changed. You can usually find older copies on EBAY or at

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    How old are those birds? Are they in their adult plumage or do they still hav a molt to go? I see things about those birds I like. Don't be too quick to give up on them. If you don't mind my asking who all have you gotten them from?

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Once several years ago our powr went out & the power company wouldn't give an estimate for when it would be back on. I had 25 Guinea Fowl eggs in the incubator at the time. I filled 2 quart jars with hot water & placed them in a styrofoam picnic cooler. I then covered them with styrofoam packing...

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    In a previous life I did advertising photography in NYC. Also taught a few college Photography courses. A couple of observations: first you're doing the right thing by bracketing your exposures. Sunsets [and sunrises] are difficult lighting situations & you'd rarely get one right with a single...

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    From everything I've ever read, which is a conserable amount, it's not a possibility. There are people on here that claim to have routinely hatched double yolk eggs. Frankly, I doubt it.

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Those pictures aren't the best but they show type well enough to see they're nice Reds. Glad to see there are more good Reds appearing around the country. Congrats!
  10. NYREDS

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Once birds change hands it's a little misleading to refer to their offspring as being of the original line. If, for example, someone bought Reds from gary Underwood the only way to legitimately call their offsspring "Underwood Reds" would be to have gary come over & set up your breeding pens...
  11. NYREDS

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    From what I see in the pictures I'd be inclined to use your #2 bird if I were using only one of them. I like his top line better & he looks like a more substantial bird. That said, you learn a lot about a bird when it's in your hand so you know these birds better than I do. Judging from pictures...
  12. NYREDS

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Tail angle should be 20 degrees above horizontal & no, that black is not desireable & it won't be going anywhere. None of that really matters as this bird isn't the type of Red this thread is dedicated to. He's a Production bred Red totally lacking in proper Red type.
  13. NYREDS

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    If you are raising chickens for meat then obviously bantams aren't the way to go. As for egg production, some bantams, Reds among them, tend to lay pretty well & a good sized egg. All that said, you might consider the possibility that not everyone shares your value system & that they may find...
  14. NYREDS

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Looks familiar. Took me 6 years to get the males tails like that. Width of back looks good on those pullets as well.
  15. NYREDS

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Chickens don't pair bond.
  16. NYREDS

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    If more people "did their homework" as it appears you are doing there would be fewer people who got discouraged & abandoned the fancy. So many people rush out to buy birds with no idea of what they should be looking for & then are stunned when it doesn't work out. They then want to blame the...
  17. NYREDS

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Actually Don kept the bantams and a few large fowl for his Granddaughter. Saw in another post where you're located. I was in Pittsburgh last weekend. Wish I'd known then. Next time I go down I'll contact you ahead of time & see about stopping by.
  18. NYREDS

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    You only have to toe punch once. Legbands come off, break & get outgrown
  19. NYREDS

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    The tails will come up as the pullets mature
  20. NYREDS

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Not consistent with my experience. I received some Delawares from Kathy this year & I've been amazed by how rapidly they've grown & feathered. Never had "the original" so can't make that comparison but compared to the other birds I raise only the waterfowl develop faster. As to your how many...
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