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    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Fred, Thanks for the shout out. I am doing well after a health issue last winter. During that time it occurred to me that I had become just a little too obsessed with my chickens and had let some more important things in life slip. I still have my Red's although not near as many. Thanks...

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Hello everyone. Been a while since I have logged in. I have been very ill since around Thanksgiving. My boy has made sure that the birds have been fed and watered. I hope to get back going soon, but most likely won't be doing any thing but maintaining my flock for a while. No big plans for...

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Thanks for posting your picture. Very nice. Good Work. Ron

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Agreed, I am talking about the number of points on these RIR not obvious defects like side sprigs and ect. I don't think I have seen any of these types of defects in these lines. Someone starting out with a small number birds as a base, should not worry about a cockerel with good type that...

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I think the reason most beginners zero in on the comb is because it is probably the easiest part of the to see a "flaw" in. Just like BGMatt said the comb is minor in the over picture. Ron

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Pullets mature at different rates. Comb size at this age may vary and should not be considered yet for a reason in selecting breeders. The ones you have with larger combs are probably closer to point of lay. One of the hardest things to do the first few years with these Reds is to have enough...

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    American SOP states 5 evenly serrated points.

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Are you sure it could not be from another breed? I have zero hens that lay an egg of that color, most lay a light colored egg. Also 7 months is pretty early for this line. The pullets look very health. Good work Ron

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I lean toward #2 also. The top view being the final decider. As for his comb, I have not put a lot of emphases on combs yet, I have seen several this year that have this trait showing. I am still picking by type first and working toward the smaller issues. It is good to see the color on these...

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    By the pictures they do look a little downward in the back. I wonder if it is just the pose or the cold weather. I have 15 cockerels from the same pens hers came from. I see no rain day look in them. Mumsy they sure look well cared for. Good luck on your coming breeding season. Ron

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I am totally stunned by this news. I have been off the grid so to speak ( gone deer hunting) Bob was a true ambassador to the RIR and thru his passion has helped many get their start with them, including me. Becuase of his work they are now in the hands of many more people than they were a...

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    This makes sense to me. When my birds are allowed daily access to pasture their legs have much more yellow to them than when they have been confined to a bare ground run for a while.

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    A bird should not lose to another by one trait alone, unless both of them are equal in all other aspects of their standard.

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    This is a stunning picture. Do you have picture of the entire bird?

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Aaron, it is hard to judge a bird from a picture and when they are not relaxed. I would guess that these birds carry their head differently when they are not tying to avoid the camera. Somehow they just know when you want a picture and go bonkers. Hope y'all get some time in the woods this...

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I got a picture of a Caddyshack scene or two going through my head.

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Anyone have some new pictures to share?

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    It depends on how many you have for breeding. A lot of times these types of deformities are not genetic. Could be related to hatching or incubation ect... Ron

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Trap nesting is the most effective, or you could let each hen spend some time in separate pen. Many of the old time chicken men believed that the faster feathering hens and roosters produced the best layers, as well as the best feather quality. I tend to agree with this form my experience. Ron
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