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  1. alibra

    d'Uccle color genetics

    Black mottled X Mille = black mottled with gold leakage Black mottled X porcelain = black mottled split to porcelain
  2. alibra

    d'Uccle color genetics

    Does anyone know if blue/black mottled D'uccles are gold based or silver based?
  3. alibra

    d'Uccle color genetics

    Porcelain is a lavender bird with the gold gene and mottling gene. Mottling and lavender are recessive, so all the offspring with one porcelain parent will be split(carrying) porcelain gene. Golden neck is a millie fleur with 2 blue genes. Here's what your offspring will look like
  4. alibra

    d'Uccle color genetics

    Golden neck X black mottled = blue millie or blue mottled, I think. And golden neck X porcelain = blue mottled or blue millie split to porcelain.. I think :)
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