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  1. Tashaf

    d'Uccle color genetics

    OK so to get a porcelain you have to breed lavender with millfleure which will give you millfleure carrying the lavender Gene.. then you would have to breed more of the millfleures that carry the lavender gene to each other to get a porcelain ??
  2. Tashaf

    d'Uccle color genetics

    What if I bred lavender to this guy ?
  3. Tashaf

    d'Uccle color genetics

    OK so I think when you say if I've read them together I would get a mess I'm guessing you mean because the lavender gene also frills out details and makes them not very pretty am I right ? So nothing good would come from the breeding my porcelains with lavender?
  4. Tashaf

    d'Uccle color genetics

    If I were to breed these chickens together...
  5. Tashaf

    d'Uccle color genetics

    but i would guess some would have leakage. What would leakage be self blue with a little of another color??
  6. Tashaf

    d'Uccle color genetics

    And what is BBS??
  7. Tashaf

    d'Uccle color genetics

    that's what confuses me some people say lavender some people say self blue is there a difference? Or is it just a term that is used loosely but actually different colors as to how to breed to get it. Please enlighten me I'm really trying to get these things right!
  8. Tashaf

    d'Uccle color genetics

    What do you mean I will get just a mess ? Will they be lavender or black or could it come out as any color instead of just one color?? What would be the possibility?
  9. Tashaf

    d'Uccle color genetics

    Two not to
  10. Tashaf

    d'Uccle color genetics

    So breeding to porcelain together will still give me porcelain? What about breeding self blue hen to a porcelain roo? What offspring would I get then? im guessing some porcelains and mostly self blues?
  11. Tashaf

    d'Uccle color genetics

    I have bought some porcelain d'uccles that were for show and the man I bought them from says that they are true porcelains with no millefluer in them. Is that possible? Because what I read it seems like you have to breed a lavender to a millefluer to get a porcelain. So, if I breed my two pairs...
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