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  1. N


    If i feel tiny little bumps back in the legs of my seven weeks spitz, it’s that a sign of a roo?
  2. N


    I’m afraid you are right. Well, let’s hope the girl is a girl at least!
  3. N


    So, these four babies are seven weeks now. One has clearly developed this week and I guess that one is a rooster, but there is still hope for some hens right? I’m especially hopeful about the first one here!
  4. N


    So here comes an update. My four babies are 6 weeks now. I think I can feel tiny horns on the first and last one, with a bit more withe in their crest. I really hope the other two are hens. Please be hens😅
  5. N


    Thanks, it could be a tiny wattle, or just skin. It’s really hot here right now and they get very upset when I handle them. I can’t see wattles or anything but light pink when I just sit next to them. One might be developing saddle feathers 🤔
  6. N


    This is one of my spitz, almost six weeks old. They all look like this. Please tell me they are not all roos? I’ll be devastated🙈
  7. N


    I just bought these lovely chicks! I was told they are four weeks old. When is it possible to sex them?
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