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  1. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-29-24 Pic by Tumbleweedlynn

    Me again? Aww! High fives Kikiruru!
  2. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-29-24 Pic by Tumbleweedlynn

    That sibling that doesn't actually touch you but puts their finger right up close almost touching just so they can say..."No I am not."
  3. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-29-24 Pic by Tumbleweedlynn

    "My name is Mary, but if I make it to Hollywood, I am going to change it to something with more star quality...Guilbeax with and "x". ~ I feel the earth move under my feet..." Paula Abdul taps Mary on the shoulder and points to the door.
  4. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-29-24 Pic by Tumbleweedlynn

    Kikiruru .... ....... Everyone else posting after... Give Kikiruru her props.
  5. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-29-24 Pic by Tumbleweedlynn

    The face you make when you realize, you and your sister were kidnapped by your mother as eggs.
  6. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-29-24 Pic by Tumbleweedlynn

    "Mama! Kolbie says I am adopted!"
  7. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-29-24 Pic by Tumbleweedlynn

    "Guess what? Chicken butt!" "Momma- make him stop!"
  8. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-29-24 Pic by Tumbleweedlynn

    Black chick- "With this feather color, they will know you are a"
  9. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-29-24 Pic by Tumbleweedlynn

    "What does yellow fuzz taste like?"
  10. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-29-24 Pic by Tumbleweedlynn

    He is touching me again momma! You beat me too it Kikiruru!
  11. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-29-24 Pic by Tumbleweedlynn

    The captions I had for this pic the other time it was up Grandma's feather bed. Amber look what you just did?
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