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  1. MamaWolf7

    Climate Change and Geese

    I came across this interesting article about the impact this unseasonably warm winter is having on wild waterfowl...a goose hatching a pair of goslings in December in Canada! When I lived in that city many years ago I have seen more than 3 feet of snow at this time of year. Never goslings...
  2. MamaWolf7

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Chilly Coop Contest!

    The quaint little chick coop waiting peacefully in the snow for the spring brood. Once they are big enough, the chicks always love perching in the mountain ash tree.
  3. MamaWolf7

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Chilly Coop Contest!

    The coop with fresh snow on the chicken door. On the left is their 'tent' for year round dust baths. On the right (only partially visible) are a series of wooden objects for perching on. Above are zig zagging clothes lines to keep aerial predators away.
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