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  1. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    That is not a celadon egg. Celadon might have a few tiny dots, but no splotches on them.
  2. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    If they're from who I think they're from, it's not a surprise that they're very tame. They got a lot of love and attention.
  3. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    I'd say that he's not welcome in your home anymore. Oh, and keep an eye on him. That's how a lot of serial killers start off.
  4. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    I hope you had stern words with said teenage family member. Maybe handed them the body of your bird so they could see the consequences of their actions.
  5. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    The red eyes would mean albino, so yours is a standard white. Albinos are often born blind or become so fairly quickly.
  6. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    If it doesn't have red eyes, it should be fine.
  7. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    Someday I hope to get NPIP certified.
  8. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    I don't think that even if the celadon did explode (it would really, really stink if it did) it wouldn't make dents in the egg next to it. I have had a turner crack jumbo eggs if they're too close together, but that leaves really distinct marks. Your first guess on what happened is probably...
  9. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    I'm sorry. The celadon is a lost cause. I'm not sure about the other, but in my experience even if a cracked egg makes it, the chick always has growth problems and rarely makes it.
  10. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    Where are you ordering from? Myshire Farm and Southwest Gamebirds are good. If you get jumbos from SW Gamebirds, the eggs are HUGE.
  11. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    You are very lucky with your albinos. I'm glad they're doing well.
  12. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    I'm sorry. The first bird I ever had to cull was a chick too. It was very, very hard emotionally, and so easy physically that it seemed to make the emotional side even harder.
  13. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    I'm sorry for your loss. The rest look cute and healthy!
  14. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    Good luck!
  15. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    Sometimes chicks just fail to thrive. I'm sorry about the little one. You might try some Nutri-Drench. It may work, it may not.
  16. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    I've never had an albino that I didn't have to cull. Personally, I would try the shady outdoor pen, but make sure that it doesn't get direct light. I also wouldn't breed it. Good luck, and let us know how it fares.
  17. Nabiki

    Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

    Glad to hear that your chick is behaving. I'm guessing it's not in the picture above? You also have what appears to be a real rarity. A healthy albino. You probably want to keep that one out of the sun and bright lights to preserve its vision for as long as you can. Albinos often go blind...
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