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  1. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    Looking nice. A little less spangled on the back than some of my worst hens, but I see the silver laced cross doesn’t help out with breast spangling. How are the BCW x Buff Orpington chicks feathering out?
  2. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    Glad to have you here. BCWs are super fun indeed. It is a pity how hard they are to find these days. I agree with @NagemTX that a lot of people’s insistence on buying from already established breeders, and the general pushiness there is about not doing projects probably contributed to that. On...
  3. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    Looking good! Lots of color variation, but that’s to be expected. I see a few with a down color reminiscent of what I tend to see. I’ll be mighty curious to see how they all feather out. Hopefully you’ll see darker heads in the chicks, without the ridiculously annoying breast spangling that...
  4. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    Yeah, good catch! I forgot to mention that aspect, but the crossed birds have been stronger than the non-crossed ones. Around the time I hatched the first paint and self black, I had noticed them originally growing at 2x the pace and size of the black crested white chicks they were hatched...
  5. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    I don’t really know what caused her off white color. Her color might be from the sun, honestly. After a few months of constant exposure, everyone’s feathers seem tinted in some way. Her and her offspring’s feathers are tinting much quicker than the normal way silver feathers seem to get dirty
  6. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    I’ll be sharing more photos of them as they grow up. As for what I’ve been doing- it mostly sums down to breeding my black crested white rooster to a white and silver laced hen, and getting chicks that look like black crested whites. I don’t know why, though, as I thought this color wouldn’t...
  7. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    These two are the interesting cross chicks. Either from the silver laced hen, or my white hen, seeing as those are my only two bearded birds and both chicks inherited that. There’s a third, it’s mostly black marked, and I somewhat expect it to feather out like a silver laced. This is the...
  8. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    2 grow outs I’m liking somewhat. Cockerel, 3 months old. First bird to have more of a semi-laced breast issue rather than semi-spangled breast issue. He’s got a really yellow tint to him as well, and I can’t tell if it’s grime or not, since he seemed to just grow into it, and the others lack...
  9. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    this chick is either a black crested white/silver laced cross, or black crested white/paint cross. Leaning towards silver laced, as my paint hen thus far has produced self whites and blacks. It’s one of two I believe to be from the silver laced. This one ended up identical to my lighter, often...
  10. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    Liking this juvenile. Things have been slow, they’ve been rough to breed, and turkey laying season has just kickstarted so I’m swamped in eggs and running out of incubator room. I hope to hatch more chicks out over the season though, of which there will be BCWs and BCW-paint and BCW-silver laced...
  11. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    I’ve heard so many people complain about this. I’m sorry it happened to you. I honestly think I got lucky with the BCWs, considering the horror stories I’ve heard. On top of the shipping, they’re also ridiculously fragile, I've found. Mine are surprisingly cold intolerant, and Florida “cold...
  12. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    The only two breeders I know that sell are on opposite sides of the country. “frizzled and fabulous farm” she’s in california. ”fancy farmer Florida” as the name suggests, she’s in...
  13. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    I’m nearly done hatching polish for a little while. The BCWs are in a pen with my houdan hens, a silver laced hen, and a white hen, so at the moment I can’t guarantee any eggs laid were by the BCW hens. Oct 23-24 hatch, nearly 3 months old for these two. I saw wattle development on the...
  14. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    Year is about to end, I currently have 8 chicks growing at the moment. Hopefully things get better next year. Fertility seems fine, and There aren’t many eggs who die off in the early stages of incubation, but most of the ”losses” are fully formed chicks that just don’t hatch. Current chicks...
  15. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    An update! All 3 pullets are laying now. About to go on a hatching stall though, until I can separate them to mark eggs properly. Currently working on a coop where I plan to cage train birds, it’ll make a good spot to keep them separate, and I’ll be able to switch them out to their rooster every...
  16. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    Awesome! Is there a certain book or website you found this at? I agree that the Db gene must Not be linked on these birds. Brining in Ml and Pg can mess up the patterning badly. Unfortunately, I’m certain they’re linked in at least a few birds in my flock. 2/3 of my hens show bad patterning...
  17. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    Hey @ElPaso on the topic of down color, what did your BCW polish/buff Orpington crosses look like as chicks? I ask out out of curiosity for what the ewh and other genes of the Buff orpington might’ve affected.
  18. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    If you're suggesting I measure the width of their back stripes, I can do that 😂. Sounds fun. In all seriousness, I understand. The concept that different genes have slightly varying effects is not new. I mostly struggle with down color. I haven't seen much information on how Co, Db, Ml, or...
  19. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    What have you seen width/ratio of striping say? I'm curious. All of mine at the moment have stripes. The lightest ones still have visible stripes, it's just finnickier to see because of their color.
  20. I Like Turkeys

    Black crested White Polish

    I had some of the adults start that way too. None actually kept the lacing. The males ended up having bad breast and tail coloring, while 2 of my females look to have some patterning or spangling going on, and were colored similarly as chicks, and feathered out similarly. Or maybe it’ll just end...
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