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  1. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    I thought Legs was on his best behavior today. He followed Ma to the front door and got a slice of bread for a treat. He snatched the whole slice from her and wolfed it down like a hungry dog. When she turned her back for a minute he pinned a small hen on the ground that has just gotten well...
  2. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    After hosing legs down with my water cannon a few times yesterday he stayed close to his coop today. There is hope for that boy yet.
  3. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    I've got to build another coop for legs and his girls with a run because he gets into to much trouble when he free ranges with them. He runs off and leaves them unguarded looking for other girls. Shame on him. I've gave him the talk and told him that was why he stayed shut up today while his...
  4. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    I do have a rooster than means a whole lot to me even though his monetary value is not much. He is half aseel and half Indio Gigante. At the same time he was gifted to me a pullet came with him that was supposed to be another roo and turned out to be my best little hen ever. She sticks with me...
  5. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Sometimes free is expensive too. I'd rather pay and get exactly what I want than 3rd or 4th best.
  6. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Legs is in trouble. He is confined to quarters while his girls get to play outside now. He left them and when shopping at another coop for a much smaller girl and broke wing feathers on her until she was bloody. I just knew he he had ripped her open but just some wing feathers broken off. He...
  7. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Yes better some days and worse others. Some days I think about giving all of the kids away to good homes and keeping about a dozen pets. Today it is wet and can't do much at all so the world is going to turn on its own. Thanks for remembering.
  8. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Legs is keeping his girls company at night now and his coop has been given to another bachelor rooster. We have some version of aseel in the brooder now. I was given the eggs by a local and we will not know until they are much older.
  9. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    We have 3 18 month old big Cornish rock hens that we have started turning out of their coop daily now and Legs is loving keeping them company. He returns to his coop at night. I'd sure like to record some of his talk to us when we start making rounds in the afternoon. He can be so funny when he...
  10. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Legs didn't want me to catch him today and in his trying to evade me he jump and started to fly up to the porch railing. Stuck my hands out and it was like catching a shot-put in a catchers mitt. He didn't squawk or throw a fit but he was not happy about having to go to his coop early so the...
  11. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    We stopped in at Walmart and bought a loaf of cheap bread for chicken treats. One slice goes a long way with the kids as we make rounds of the coops. No Legs is the exception. He's been known to grab the whole slice and run off with it. He also has been know to eat a whole slice in under 30...
  12. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Another sign that legs has become a rooster now is that he takes a treat and moves over a couple of feet and drops it for hens that he starts calling. Calling in vain right now.
  13. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Legs has learned to come to the front door and talk to us when he wants a treat. We let him in on the vinyl landing where he gets something for good behavior whether or not he is behaving. After his treat he goes out on his own looking for something to do. I really need to get his coop built...
  14. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Legs got the water canyon treatment this morning. He was trying to pick a fight with a White Bresse rooster through the coop door. I finally put another layer of hardware cloth between the two of them so they would stop pecking the hardware cloth door. Right now he is working off his breakfast...
  15. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Legs came to me with that look in his face when he is expecting his daily treat. I got off of the garden tractor and told him to come on with me which he did. He got some fresh whole wheat bread and went on about his business checking the coops and showing off his physique to the hens and...
  16. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Legs met up with the Dark Cornish rooster again while I watched to see what they were going to do. They exchanged words but neither one seem to want to fight in the heat of the day. I left the DC hens out and penned up the 2 DC roosters much to Leg's delight. With his long legs he can out run...
  17. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    I had the big boy inside in my lap for a while late today. His same old self with his treat. He stood perfectly still waiting on me to take him back to his coop. He's probably not happy being in his coop all day. Next thing for him is for me to get a higher fence and a top for his run. He can...
  18. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Legs is in his coop. He no longer has free run of the place. The Dark Cornish are out today. I will let him out for a little while late today after the others are shut back up. He's got a private coop and and run. The run needs to be modified some and the hens can be added to him. I know you...
  19. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Legs tried is luck fighting an older American Bresse rooster today. Poor Frenchie. He was no match for the tall boy. I was there and got them apart after less than a minute. No bleeding yet but is was looking bad for the Bresse boy. Got to get that boy in a coop and run with his own ladies some...
  20. LTAY1946

    The aseel thread!!!

    Legs is hanging out in the carport today. I know he will never learn too. He's getting his own hoop coop and 3 of those dark cornish hens of his own. Once some new dark cornish pullets are laying he will have 5-6 new ones and his will go back to the cornish coop. I just don't know how many it...
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