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  1. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    I have enough physical pain - I do not need to burden myself with psychological pain. :lau
  2. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    Trust me it really shattered into 10,000 pieces. There is no saving.
  3. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    I did not just drop a pyrex baking dish on the granite counter, and it did not just explode into 10,000 pieces. That dish was a favorite, but my contortions trying to save it and its lid were 'America's Home Videos' worthy.
  4. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    Did you really just ask what a profile view is? I give up.
  5. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    The solution to your problem is fairly evident and has been offered by several people. Since you don't choose to follow the advice given, I would suggest you dispose of all of the animals that you own. There is a fine line between ignorance and abuse, and you have crossed it. :rant
  6. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    Ticks are bad here this year. Every day I pick off many walking around my body. Last night I removed two that were 'feeding' on me.
  7. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    Hey, you got my body. :eek:
  8. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    I feel rested, and my body feels like that of a healthy 25 year old. :old
  9. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    Always am. :p
  10. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    I am not drag a**ed tired. :old:old
  11. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    And another one bites the dust.
  12. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    Past tense of runbow colors?
  13. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

  14. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    Hi Jack :frow
  15. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    I once ate moldy Fig Newtons. I had done a favor for an elderly couple, and they insisted I have coffee and cookies with them. I didn't want to embarrass them and their faulty vision so I ate a couple Fig Newtons. They tasted bad, but did not hurt me.
  16. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    I hope you have done it. :fl
  17. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    When he warned me about this and told me what happened, he saw the look of horror on my face and said, "It's okay. I wasn't using it anymore." :eek:
  18. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    At one time field trialers did that to keep chiggers away. They also dipped their coveralls in tick dip - that is until one of them got cancer of the penis - ostensibly from this practice - necessitating surgical removal of the organ.
  19. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    I was thinking more along the line of Bravecto a pill that works for up to 90 days.
  20. sourland

    Things you wish you could say

    Brown gravy of course. I wish I could say I have not picked 11 ticks off of me - just exploring - none feeding, but I haven't done the full body check. I wonder if the dog tick repellants would work on me?
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