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  1. dikitty

    What did you do with your flock today?

    We don't have a rooster. :) (also she keeps brooding on either nothing or the fake eggs we got in there... those will be in until the goldens get used to laying.)
  2. dikitty

    What did you do with your flock today?

    We finally mixed the Welsummers and Golden Comets together. There was (and still is) some jostling but they seem pretty content to be around each other. One of our welsummers has gone broody so I'm working on breaking her (or at least getting her out of the nest so she can eat and enjoy the...
  3. dikitty

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Today we made pomegranate jelly and gave the chickens the leftover seeds/skins to the girls. They had a blast.
  4. dikitty

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I want to celebrate my success here! With the roof finished, we let the birds out and had them keep to themselves all day. I went in this evening to see how many would go inside and they all went in! Even the Rebel! I'm so happy~
  5. dikitty

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Tonight was the first night we let the chickens put themselves to bed and I think it went all right! 5 of them went in the coop all by themselves. 4 went in after being herded to the correct side of the coop (2 sides of the coop are inside the run boundaries) and one, which we're calling The...
  6. dikitty

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Ours are about 6 weeks old! Today went better?? They stayed out for most of the day after being tossed out. Had to throw most of them back inside. The last one was being rude but then decided she wanted to walk up the ramp all on her own. XD Ah well, homesteading-lite is an adventure!
  7. dikitty

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Today was the chickens' first day out! It took a lot of coaxing (and eventually my husband going in and handing me chickens so I could bring them outside but 7 of 10 enjoyed the outside air. 3 of them ran back inside, and just preferred to stay in the coop. They did really well! We're having a...
  8. dikitty

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Yesterday was our first real "warm" day since the chicks got moved to the coop. Was worried about them so the husband installed a fan to help with the stuffiness. Also put ice in their water and fed them some frozen fruit (that was defrosted just a bit) It took them a bit to realize that it was...
  9. dikitty

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Yesterday we moved the chicks into their coop and spent some time with them feeding them snacks and watching. Then, we left them alone. Last night I went in to check on them and they were all in their sleepytime cuddlepile. Went in this morning and they were happily eating and peeping and being...
  10. dikitty

    What did you do with your flock today?

    We're currently trying to finish the coop (first, then we'll finish the runs because methinks the chicks are out growing their brooder) and I got scratched pretty hard by chicken wire >.< We're chicken wiring some windows/gaps higher up on the coop for ventilation/natural light. Meanwhile, I've...
  11. dikitty

    What did you do with your flock today?

    This week, my chick babies are 4 weeks old! It's amazing how fast they can grow. Their coop is almost done, and they seem to be restless so every day I go out to their brooder and remove the hood (so to speak) to let them stretch their wings and hop out such. I started giving out treats late...
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