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  1. Kidwantschickens

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Well my kids had covid so we worked more on the coop today. We're getting there. Got 4 more eggs today (who knows if some made a new nest?) I covered the nest boxes except b2-3" with cloth so they feel more private. We'll see what happens but for sure 4 hens used it today!!!! We have 22 eggs...
  2. Kidwantschickens

    What did you do with your flock today?

    These are definitely my kids'chickens!!! They were home today and noticed "punzy is missing" so then they went to find her. They found her under some tumble weed on a huge nest with 18 eggs. Including one white one which I'm guessing was the polish? These babies were hatched the end of March, I...
  3. Kidwantschickens

    What did you do with your flock today?

    My kiddos found an egg in the run but under the coop not on a nest box. It's a darker egg so either the cuckoo Marans is laying really dark or my rare breed mystery chick is a french blue copper Marans... So now we're getting green/blue eggs (three so far), brown eggs that all look the same so...
  4. Kidwantschickens

    What did you do with your flock today?

    We have a greenish blue egg!!! One of the Easter eggers (I assume) is laying!!! I guess it could be the prairie blue bell or the mystery chicken, but idk. So excited!!! She's laid every day for 3 days now.... Someone laid another shell-less egg, and I had a small odd shaped one q few days ago...
  5. Kidwantschickens

    What did you do with your flock today?

    My daughter reports that we have a new squatting hen so should be laying soon!! We have 2-3 others squatting and one laying pretty regularly and someone new started laying!!!
  6. Kidwantschickens

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I thought about that but we get cold winters and I do ski holidays with kiddos so with 12 chickens I didn't think 5gal would last long enough to cover a 4-5 day weekend and heating two would be hard. So big tub. Lol.
  7. Kidwantschickens

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I worked on the run more, played with the girls and tried to get them to figure out the nipple water before I make a large one! Have a 32g food grade trash can to make a big waterer with. Also added a perch. Getting full use out of the kids' play set/house that I've converted :)
  8. Kidwantschickens

    What did you do with your flock today?

    We put ours outside, worked on the coop, then chased them around to put them away. Our SLWs hate us and so does the Whiting true blue.... They are the hardest to catch and sure we're going to kill them. Co-ops almost done though so hopefully this weekend they will be out of my garage!!!
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