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  1. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I rather suspected it was Calypso's kill. On the other hand, I've heard Calypso growl when the youngsters try to horn in on her cat food. Maybe she'd rather toss them a little mousy and save the "good" (as in, I spend too much money on it) stuff for herself?
  2. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    There are some huge lilacs that have been on the property much longer than I have. The smell reminds me of home: there was a beautiful lilac bush at the end of the driveway at my folks'. Sorry no roofing is getting done. No mowing here today, either. But pretty cool about the doe and fawn. I...
  3. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I may NEED a 12-foot boat. I thought, or was hoping, that the rainy season was over. Today's forecast has proven me wrong, and rain looks likely for the next several days. That should help the grass and weeds grow even faster so I can do lots of mowing next week. The kittens have figured out...
  4. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Rain spitted and sputtered all morning, so I took my time doing errands in town yesterday. Unfortunately for my budget, the new owners of one of the greenhouses FINALLY got in some amazing perennials; I will need to plant several of those as soon as I decide exactly where they can fit. I have a...
  5. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Amen to not having to water your tree. My dad taught me to water newly planted trees once a week. Mother Nature has taken over that job for me this year. Yesterday, I was thrilled to spot three tiny apples on my newer Honeycrisp. I bought a Macintosh that was in bloom at Menards and planted it...
  6. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Mosquitos haven't been so bad here (although I have gotten a couple of good bites to the face, despite wearing a netted hat). But the wood ticks are out in full force -- not, of course, in the areas where the chickens, ducks and geese feast. Both sister and I, as well as the mama cat, have had...
  7. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    While I have been taking advantage of my sister's free help, the real reason I was off BYC is that I thought I was having computer issues. Turned out, it was a just locked keyboard. We thought Ozzie, who had been walking on the desk, hit a lock key. Carolyn used her much-better-than-mine phone...
  8. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    That's quite a spread for your picnic, Jim. Maybe a little candlelight next time? My sister arrived yesterday, and I was banking on her to get the riding mower going. Unfortunately, we eliminated all the things we thought might be the problem (it has gas, plenty of oil that doesn't need to...
  9. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    The power, which went out at 4:11 yesterday afternoon, came back on at 1:39 this morning. Gee, I wish I hadn't gone grocery shopping yesterday morning because the temp in my refrigerator is about 60 degrees, 20 too high for the more-perishable food. Guess it's back to Aldi today. I was actually...
  10. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    A wise man knows when it's time to retreat!! A gazillion years ago, my now-former husband tried to "help" me when I was making a recipe I learned from my mom and had eaten since I was old enough for solid food. After the third helpful hint, I let him know from that day forward, he could be the...
  11. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    The bunny I thought might make it, along with an injured one I didn't think would make it, were both alive at 8:30 last night and both dead at 4 this morning. If they had survived, there is a rehabber in Fort Dodge who would have taken them today. Congrats on getting the mower to run. I am So...
  12. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Apparently, the Universe is having a good laugh at my expense. In addition to deluge of cats and kittens I'm dealing with, now I have a very young baby bunny. One of the adult cats discovered two bunny nests in the goat pen. I came out to bunny bits, dead and dying bunnies and a single...
  13. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I'm envious of the rhubarb pie, Jim. Honestly, I usually just make it into sauce and eat it all by itself -- I love rhubarb. Sounds like your tomatoes are thriving, Lisa. I'm relieved when I go out and my plants haven't been dug out, eaten or abused by the legion of annoying critters here...
  14. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Congrats on the shelf. My projects are more elaborate in my mind, but end up more simple, based on my skill set. So, you also don't need headlights on your riding mower?! I don't know if mine work because I've never had the urge to run the darned thing after dark. However, as mine is still...
  15. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I drove over to Decorah yesterday for the annual plant sale at Seed Savers Exchange. I bought tomatoes, peppers, chives and some bunny tails for my deck planters. Got one of my all-time favorite tomatoes, Cherokee Purple. Met up with Michael and one of his friends there, and we headed downtown...
  16. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I was planning to do that when the kittens were six weeks old and able to be weaned, as per my vet. Now, I don't know what to do. On the good news front, one of my neighbors said this morning that she would take the kittens. Linda's property is on a less-traveled gravel road, not adjacent to...
  17. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Sleeping through the night? I vaguely remember doing that many years ago. Lisa, three of my first four "unsexed" runner ducklings were male (and all got along fine). By the time I knew I had so many boys, I was only able to get one other female of an appropriate age. Strangely, my original...
  18. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Best wishes with everyone's dental work! But, Jim, if I tame the kittens, then they will also be "my cats" and I will worry more, pay more vet bills, get even crazier than I am now. I -- and the world at large -- are not ready for that!
  19. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Lisa, I don't know much about geese (except my darling American Buffs), so I looked up Pilgrims, and they sound like great geese. I knew they were pricey, but I looked at the McMurray catalog -- more than $68 for a female gosling?!? Wow!! Hope your new boy fits in well. Speaking of attacks, the...
  20. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    And, the rain just keeps coming! I can't believe we're still technically in a drought! At least we didn't have a full-out storm last night, but there was plenty of rain and thunder. Yesterday's rain didn't start until evening, so I was able to work a bit in the veg garden. Was going to plant a...
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