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  1. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Those are pretty Molpet!
  2. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Pulled the leaf mulch back on a couple of beds today. Hoping to plant tomatoes this next week.
  3. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Creedence Clearwater Revival, Alice Cooper, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Pink Floyd, Marilyn Manson - off the top of my head. Planting season starts soon for my area. March 15 is "supposedly" the last average frost. Looking ahead for the month, no freezing temps are showing, but that can change. I'll...
  4. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Those kozy koats look neat. Are they hard to fill? Planted my peppers today in the garden. I also up potted some of my tomatoes that I will be planting next month when my potatoes are dug.
  5. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I've been busy getting my shed in order. It has been such a mess over the last couple of years. I keep meaning to straighten it up, but before I know it the middle of summer is here and it's too hot to get out there and do it. DH helped me put up a few shelves yesterday, and today I put up a...
  6. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I use cinder blocks for my raised beds. Love em! If you use the holes for planting, they do dry out faster, so be prepared to water the planted holes more often if needed.
  7. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I'm in zone 8b. Our last freeze is around March 15. Last year we had a freeze on April 15. Monday, April 1st our temps will be down to at least 35. I haven't planted any of my warm season crops yet, but I do have potatoes & asparagus that are up. Put in brussel sprouts, dino kale, swiss chard...
  8. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    We got over 1/2" of rain this morning before the storms moved out. Luckily, the bad stuff died down a bit by the time it got here. More rain for tomorrow, then a few days of clear skies and temps in the 30's. Gotta put the shorts back up.
  9. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    No spring pics of green, but how about purple? I picked this one about 12 days ago, right before we had a run of 20* lows. I have about 3 or 4 more that have come up. It's 67* now, supposed to be in the low 70's today. But, that comes with a chance of severe storms. In fact, we have a line...
  10. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I got my potatoes cut up for planting this weekend. So far, no rain chances this weekend, hope that holds. My dinosaur kale is up in my milk jugs.
  11. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    @bruceha2000 ~ That would be nice! It was below freezing last week. Today the temp in East Texas was 80. Supposed to get down to 34 by Friday morning. Roller coaster time.
  12. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I started some of mine this weekend. But I put mine in milk jugs and put them outside. The upstairs bedroom I used for a grow room last year has been turned into my pantry. So no grow lights in there.
  13. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    @oldhenlikesdogs - love your flower bed. So pretty!
  14. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Such a cute kitty! I love cats, but sadly I'm not able to have one. Jack would eat one up.
  15. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Over the past week, we've ended up with around 7" of rain. Most of my carrots are gone as are my beets. Spinach never came up. Over half of the okra is gone, and what is left really isn't producing anymore. Thought I'd give it (and me) another week then take it all down except for my seed...
  16. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I don't think cattle panels would have any trouble holding a regular pumpkin. You may have to support the pumpkin to keep it from breaking off of the vine as it got bigger. I grew Cherokee Tan Pumpkins. They are a smaller "sugar" sized pumpkin. My seeds came from seeds from the Cherokee Nation...
  17. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Thanks NFC :) The arches worked really well. I grew green beans, cucumbers and pumpkins on them.
  18. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I have Rheumatoid Arthritis along with Osteoarthritis. It's hard to garden on flat ground. I use cinder blocks for my raised beds. They take a bit of work to get them set up unless you have a nice level area. They hold up very well. Also gives you a place to sit and take a rest when needed...
  19. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    DH & I opened up a jar of bread & butter pickles that I canned a few days ago. They are DELISH!!! They taste like they are supposed to taste. I'm glad I didn't use the recipe that called for ginger. The one I used was perfect! I will be making more. :)
  20. henless

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Thanks for the help rj. Any links will be greatly appreciated. I have last years Ball Canning book, and I also have the Amish Canning cookbook. This is what I have in the wb today. Bread & butter pickles. I'll be taking them out in a few. I hope they taste good. The vinegar was a real stinker...
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