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  1. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Ohh and I see some yummy Nasties! (Nasturtiums)
  2. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Chili peppers take forEVERRRRRR!!!!
  3. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Minerals, am I right?
  4. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Wow! Boy do I need a greenhouse! I planted seeds in late February/early March in little pots indoors. I have seedlings! You have Vegetables!!
  5. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Tell me about wild asparagus! I need to learn what where how!
  6. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I’m that way about red onion. Too overwhelming. But a good sweet onion makes a big difference. Vadalia are my favorites.
  7. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Snow and sleet storm. But were sprouting some hot peppers and onions indoors.
  8. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I do remember that! My mother had a canary. She showed me the birdseed and said "These make him sing." Boy did that bird sing. He warbled all morning long. It was beautiful. I wonder if canaries sing and lovely these days.
  9. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

  10. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Northwest NJ here, schools closed today!. Stay warm!
  11. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Well, get it started so it will work. Bury some compost, cover with lotsa loverly woodchips, and plant. Come fall cover with good chicken run compost on top of the wood chips. Spring plant. Fall compost. No digging after that first year. Bob's your uncle. :highfive: Good luck!
  12. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Clay base? Have you tried back to eden gardening? Check Paul Gautchi on YouTube.
  13. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Wow! How do you transplant "shortly" in PA? In my area of Northwest NJ (right next to the Delaware River) we are about to turn into an ice skating rink with this storm. There will be no digging till March or April.
  14. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Mid to late February if I'm smart.
  15. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Ooooh! Gonna have to order these!
  16. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I googled this. Here's what found. :(
  17. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    To me this one is the standard. Yes, pricey, but will stand the test of time. These things have been handed down through generations over and over. Why buy a starter that you'll only outgrow? If you really don't want to continue canning I'd think this would be super easy to sell...
  18. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Daffodils? Garlic? These repel moles? Tell me more!
  19. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Wood chips on top help keep weeds down cuz the blown in seeds can't reach the soil and germinate and they keep the soil moist. I put wood chips in the chicken run too. Keeps the run dry, no mud. Love Paul Gautschi for gardening info. Love this site for chicken info!
  20. Cryss

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I've gotten through 27 pages here, great stuff! But have yet to see anyone mention Back To Eden gardening. I'm about to turn 67 and am begining this method. No tilling. Do a youtube search on Paul Gautschi. A channel by L2survive has dozens of videos of Paul. Paul is very crippled but does all...
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