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  1. pelicanchook

    Toys and enrichment?

    Interestingly, my Australian chickens won't touch red cabbage, or red lettuce, but go mad for a suspended green cabbage or lettuce. I also put a skewer through a sweet corn, or zucchini (might be you call them courgettes) and suspend them and they really love them. A big bundle of straw gives...
  2. pelicanchook

    Pinning down a rooster - does it work?

    I love reading about all your problems with roosters, which fortunately I don't have to contend with. It always makes me smile when I read what is obviously the usual abbreviation for rooster as "roo". Here in Australia, where I live, a roo is a kangaroo, which is always my first...
  3. pelicanchook

    Why Do You Use Deep Bedding/Why Do You NOT Use Deep Bedding?

    I have a big dormitory area for my girls, with their roosting racks about 4 feet off the concrete floor (with a ramp for them to access the racks). I put straw on the concrete floor - loads and loads of it, together with herbs, wormwood branches, fleabane - anything that adds a pleasant smell...
  4. pelicanchook

    Help! My wife is mad at me for feeding the chickens pizza!

    My goodness, what a fuss! Australian chickens must be much tougher. My girls get whatever scraps might be available, ranging from pizza (rarely any of that left over), sausages and any other meat including salami, mice caught in traps, fruit of every kind, especially water melon, but not...
  5. pelicanchook

    What treats do you give your chickens?

    In winter I add warm water to their pellets and call it porridge, and then add two eggs on top, every morning. In summer I buy tins of corn kernels (cheap) and keep them in the fridge, and then take a tin down when it starts getting hot around midday. In really hot weather (quite often 40C...
  6. pelicanchook

    Can a dog and chickens safely coexist in a small backyard?

    Some dogs perhaps - mine which is part labrador is perfectly fine with my chooks, but a beagle - no way, remember they are used in fox hunting, and at two years old, it will be well set in its ways. I think I'd give up that idea, or find a more effective way of constraining your chooks all the...
  7. pelicanchook

    Raising Chicks In a Portacot

    Hi Sage, I'm in Australia too, and I have used a portacot with great success. I let mum look after the peeps in my nursery (old dog kennel) until they were about 8 weeks old, then as she got fed up with the task, I moved them to the portacot to let them get bigger before they joined the flock...
  8. pelicanchook

    Comment by 'pelicanchook' in article 'My $10 Inexpensive DIY Fodder Tower with Dollar Tree Dish Bins'

    Fantastic article - and so well explained. I shall try this out straight away because here in Australia in summer it is very hard to find good green vegetation for the chooks at a reasonable price.
  9. pelicanchook

    How many chickens would you need to keep to supply all the meat and eggs your family eats?

    Fabulous article, thank you for working out all the maths, way beyond my capabilities. I have chickens just because I like chickens - their eggs are a bonus which I usually give away to others because I just couldn't eat that many. I would absolutely NOT be able to eat any of my girls, although...
  10. pelicanchook

    I Have a Fox Problem

    I'm really surprised to see no mention of Nite Guard solar lights, wonderful American invention as fox deterrents. I live in Australia, right on the edge of a flood plain, so plenty of foxes around. I have used the Nite Guard solar lights around my chicken coop for over 10 years now, and have...
  11. pelicanchook

    Fox problem

    I have been keeping chooks for 10 years now, and even though I live in a rural area, with my coop backing onto a very dry flood plain, I have never had a fox incursion into the coop. I use Night-Guards fixed around the perimeter. I first saw them on my daughter's chicken coop in LA, and...
  12. pelicanchook

    How long should I leave my broody on her eggs?

    I've never had a broody before, and let her sit on 5 eggs since she seemed determined to next despite all my efforts to discourage her. The first egg hatched on day 21, and it is now day 24 and nothing else has hatched, and she is determined to stay sitting on them. I'm in Australia, and so...
  13. pelicanchook

    Comment by 'pelicanchook' in article 'The Best Chicken Feeder - 8 feeders compared'

    I love the pipe gravity feeder - my first ever effort at DIY and I'm very proud of the result. Wonderful clear instructions, just like a recipe. My local irrigation shop found all the required bits for me and the instructions were really easy to follow. Best of all, the girls took about 3...
  14. pelicanchook

    Comment by 'pelicanchook' in article 'The Key to Happy Hens and Healthy Eggs'

    such a useful lot of information, thank you so much. I recently had a problem with soft shells, and was told that shell grit (which I had been providing) was probably not giving the girls enough calcium in a form they could use, and to give them calcium carbonate (oyster shells) Oyster shells...
  15. pelicanchook

    Comment by 'pelicanchook' in article 'Cold Weather Advisory: A Detailed Look at the Question of Supplemental Heat'

    Lovely article, and so so interesting. I love reading about the problems Northern Hemisphere chicken lovers have to face, because believe me, in South Australia, where I live, temperatures of -50C are unheard of. I would never think of supplemental heating even in our winter for my chickens...
  16. pelicanchook

    Comment by 'pelicanchook' in article 'Bedding Part 1: Comparing Materials'

    Great info, I learned a lot. I'm very lucky that I live reasonably close to a wooden box making factory which allows me to scoop up all the pine shavings I could possibly want for free, so my girls have always roosted and laid on wood shavings, which after three months I change, and put the...
  17. pelicanchook

    Comment by 'pelicanchook' in article 'Egg Binding: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention'

    Terrific article - really easy to understand and follow - I haven't had this problems with my girls, but I am printing out this article and keeping it in my chicken file for the day when I need it. Gives me much more confidence to deal with egg binding instead of racing to the (expensive) vet...
  18. pelicanchook

    Comment by 'pelicanchook' in article '"The Egg Plant" Coop'

    What amazingly talented people you are. Your coop looks stunning, an absolute asset to your garden. All the details, like the porch, the steps and the decorations so carefully done, suggest your husband must love you very much. Lucky lucky chickens.
  19. pelicanchook

    Chicken name help?

    yes kangaroo, but everyone refers to them as roo, or roos. I love hearing about your Northern Hemisphere problems with extreme cold in winter, and how to keep the chooks warm, and how to keep the water bowls from freezing over, and how the chickens can scratch in the snow!! Where I am, my...
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