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  1. acechicks

    Silkie Breeder in Michigan?

    I live in West Michigan. I have 2 boys that just finished showing at Muskegon County Fair. This year is their first year in 4H. I am looking for show quality Silkies for my boys to show. I heard of a breeder called Rainbow Silkies. I'm having a hard time finding any information on it. If anyone...
  2. acechicks

    Clumps in Chicken Starter Feed??? Still Ok

    I got some Medicated Chicken starter and I poured out the first bag today into a container. There were clumps of feed in the bag that seem to be lighter then the rest of the feed. Is it still OK to give to my chicks? I was not sure if it was mold? It was dry when i open the bag. They should be...
  3. acechicks

    Windows, on the cheap ( how)

    We made our to save money. We made them out of Plexiglas. We also put hinges on them so we can open them up. I have a page made with picture of my coop is you want to take a look. Hope that helps good luck.
  4. acechicks

    First Coop Steps...!!!!! In need of final tidbits of advice.

    We build our coop last spring. I spent a lot of time in the coop section looking at everyone coop and reading what worked and didn't work for then. It really helped us build a coop that we love. The one thing i love is our "poop shelve" under the roost. I go out every 2 weeks and clean it off...
  5. acechicks

    The Legbar Thread!

    Thanks huckleberryfarm! I have never done the fertilized egg thing before. Do you think i could get my cost of the birds back out? Thanks for the help!
  6. acechicks

    The Legbar Thread!

    I just came across Legbars the other day and fell in love. The cost is killing me! I might be able to convince my husband to let me get them if i can sell some of the fertilized eggs to cover the cost. I have never done that before. Am I crazy??? Could i get my money back selling fertilized eggs?
  7. Ace Coop Progress Pictures Included

    Ace Coop Progress Pictures Included

    The idea of getting some chickens started to get tossed around last fall. We had just bought a house with 4 acres and thought chickens would be a lot of fun to have around. Not to mention having fresh eggs. When winter started my husband starting clearing some of our land for a garden. With in a...
  8. acechicks


    Question for Michigan breeders: I have been thinking about breeding (selling fertilized eggs). I want to make sure I am well informed before i start. I am wondering on what the requirement for Michigan are? What i should do and know before staring. Thanks for the help!!!
  9. acechicks

    Brooder for Meat birds

    Thanks for the great information EggsForIHOP. I will definitely look into the rubber tubs.
  10. acechicks

    Brooder for Meat birds

    I got 15 meat birds last year. We plan on getting more this spring. I have a great setup for them once they get outside. But i need to figure out something for them when they are little and need to be under the heat lamp. Last year we just made a cardboard brooder but they poop so much it was...
  11. acechicks

    Our coop is done! Well... for now :) (lots of pictures)

    The garden turned out great. We got lots of pea earlier in the summer. 2 weeks ago we got about 70 pounds of green and yellow beans. Next should be the tomatoes and sweet corn. I love having all the fresh veggies. Soon we will have fresh eggs! I'm not sure who is more excited me our my 2 boys...
  12. acechicks

    Our coop is done! Well... for now :) (lots of pictures)

    Thanks everyone! So far our chicks and our boys are loving it. My four year old wakes up every morning asking to go check on the chicken. I'm already looking at getting a few more
  13. acechicks

    Our coop is done! Well... for now :) (lots of pictures)

    We are so happy with it. Please let me know what you think!
  14. acechicks

    ENDED Coop Page Contest 2011 - Win BYC Store Gift Certificate

    Here is our coop!!! We are excited to share it with everyone.
  15. acechicks

    How do you know if your chick feed contains the right ingredients?

    I just got my chicks yesterday! They seem to be eating and drinking and are doing really great. I got my feed from a local feed store, and I'm just curious if the feed i have contain the right ingredient. It is ADM Alliance Nutrition brand. (23% protein) Thanks for the help!
  16. acechicks

    Ordered from Murray McMurray. When should they arrive??

    The chicks are here!! I got a call 5:00am this morning that they were in Grand Rapids (which is the main sorter of mail for our local post office). They are going great. Eating and drinking and running around. We could not be happier.
  17. acechicks

    Ordered from Murray McMurray. When should they arrive??

    We are getting 15 Cornish Rock for meet birds. The others are a mix of polishes, Wyandottes (silver laced and Columbian),Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, and i can not forget Araucanas/Americanas. My two boys are very excited!! (Carver is going to be 4 on Monday and Owen is almost 2). Thank...
  18. acechicks

    Ordered from Murray McMurray. When should they arrive??

    We ordered our first batch of chicks!!! We ordered them from Murray McMurray. The date they are suppose to come is Monday June 27. I have read from other post that some people chicks arrived early like Saturday and Sunday. I was wondering from the people that have ordered Murray McMurray before...
  19. acechicks

    New Member, Wanted to Share my Chicken Coop (pictures)

    We are planing on putting the windows on hinges so we can open them up if we need a little more ventilation. For what i read the more option for ventilation the better. I do not want to have to go out there after it's all complete and cut hole in it because we need more. Thanks for all the...
  20. acechicks

    New Member, Wanted to Share my Chicken Coop (pictures)

    Here is an updated picture of the coop. We got the roof done, insulation up, and sheeting up in the inside. Next step is insulating and sheeting the ceiling, framing out the windows and trim. We are getting there
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