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  1. Pearlescent

    Pimpled Turkey egg?

    the eggs are normal again, thanks!
  2. Pearlescent

    Turkey Caruncles and Wattle variations??

    I’ve been noticing that as they grow, my turkeys caruncles and wattles are looking significantly different, they are all hens (as far as I know) and the only one I have doubts about is my big gray one (Golden Narraganset I believe) she has very large wattle and caruncles, just wanted to confirm...
  3. Pearlescent

    Chick hatched out with one very large eye

    is it an extra small chick? If not it should be able to stand up for itself with the others. The worst that can happen is it gets its eye pecked out/injured beyond repair, even then it has a chance at survival with one eye. As long as it seems to just be a birth defect pecking would be my...
  4. Pearlescent

    Chick hatched out with one very large eye

    I’m no expert, but if it’s made it to 2 weeks, it doesn’t seem to be a lethal deformity. Does the eye seem to have equal vision to the other one? It may just be an odd mutation. My one worry would be if the others peck at the eye.
  5. Pearlescent

    What is my Turkey?

  6. Pearlescent

    What is my Turkey?

    oh, also, her two siblings, a male and a female, looked like standard bronzes. Sister died, male is an adult in a different home.
  7. Pearlescent

    What is my Turkey?

    it’s overcast where I live, so all recent photos are lacking of sun, but when there is sun, she shines blue and green. I’m pretty sure she isn’t an official breed, because I met her mother and she’s fully white, and her father was a bronze variant. Unless I’ve been fully lied to by the people...
  8. Pearlescent

    What is my Turkey?

    I have a Turkey hen who is supposedly a Sweetgrass X Standard bronze, but I have reason to believe her mother was actually a midget white, from the photos of her mother and siblings. I am just curious as to what she is. I can’t find any pictures that look like her, she has white wing stripes...
  9. Pearlescent

    Pimpled Turkey egg?

    my Turkey hen is a big egg producer, she has been laying almost everyday for the last month. Today she layed an odd egg, it looked normal except for an extra thin shell that light shown through and on almost every dark brown spot on the egg, there were 2-5 white 3D bumps, felt rather pokey to...
  10. Pearlescent

    Did not have to teach my turkeys to free range

    Depends on how old they are, adults probably won’t get lost, as long as they are happy with the coop/roost you have provided they should come back. Adult turkeys can safely sleep outside if they find a good spot, but it can still be risky. One of the turkeys I raised got eaten by a great horned...
  11. Pearlescent

    Did not have to teach my turkeys to free range

    I have information from a friends experience on the leaving to hatch eggs part. Her hen leaves in random times in any of the seasons (it doesn’t get cold here) except summer. She flies over the road and makes a nest somewhere in the bushes over there, she then comes back with 10-20 babies in a...
  12. Pearlescent

    Is my Turkey hen broody?

    ok, thanks, I’ll do my best to remove her eggs, and I think I’ll try putting fake eggs in better nesting locations. Right now she’s pretty high up. I think I’ll just remove her from the box after she lays her daily egg and remove it. I can’t remove the box because my chickens also use it, and...
  13. Pearlescent

    Is my Turkey hen broody?

    Ok, good. That’s the only thing my research told me
  14. Pearlescent

    Is my Turkey hen broody?

    I don’t really think that’s possible for me to do, cause that’s the only place she will lay. And she lays almost everyday so I wouldn’t want to make her feel like she couldn’t lay her eggs. I don’t wanna risk her getting egg bound.
  15. Pearlescent

    Is my Turkey hen broody?

    I don’t directly have any, but I’m sure I could get some from someone locally. I want to make her stop being broody, but I don’t think it’d be good to put her in a cage for to long. She gets very angry and won’t settle if she doesn’t feel like she’s in a good place. I would rather let her hatch...
  16. Pearlescent

    Is my Turkey hen broody?

    Thanks, how would I go about breaking her? I’ve done research but I can’t find much on the topic
  17. Pearlescent

    Is my Turkey hen broody?

    I’m not sure yet, because I don’t really have enough room for more birds in my flock, but I wouldn’t mind letting her hatch some, I just wouldn’t be able to keep them for more than 3-4 months
  18. Pearlescent

    Is my Turkey hen broody?

    My 10-11 month old Turkey hen has been laying almost everyday for the last month. I have been taking her eggs every night, but I recently got her fake eggs to see if she’d sit on them. She sits on them daily, as well as lays an egg everyday, I usually have to remove her from the box. We don’t...
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