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  1. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    I am attempting to examine the poo, as it is still in the crate. I'm not seeing anything that is a worm, but I have no clue what exactly I'm looking for. How do I tell? The other night, I believe the second or third day of treating, one of our hens (lavender Orpington??) did poo a worm. That's...
  2. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    This is so good to know. I would have had no idea. Here are the photos^ they are in the spoilers. Thankfully this past week I have been practicing properly syringe feeding the hens! I believe I am able to do it without getting anything in their lungs by feeding it on their right side of the...
  3. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    I'll see what she wants, but unfortunately I can't get her to eat anything yet. I have her out of the crate and she crawled on my lap and just wants to sleep. I'll keep trying to get some coconut oil and eggs in her and anything some water. I will certainly check more for them. Great idea with...
  4. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    Yes, she seems fine everywhere I look. She has a very fluffy bum, but I combed around and everything looks normal.
  5. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    Thank you so so much! I have frozen coconut oil pellets just for times like this. I'll go feed her some. And massage
  6. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    Thank you so much for the reply. You have no idea how much it helps to have others helping me. She has some scrambled eggs, she won't eat. I'll try to get her to eat some. I'll try to find some B-Complex with E to feed her. Alright. I'll try that!
  7. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    Update (~12 hours after first noticed symptoms): I'm so glad she made it through the night. She's acting pretty much the same, sleepy, similar stance, even panting a good amount. I checked her crop and I don't think it emptied much at all. I feel the seeds and mealworms still from yesterday, a...
  8. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    Thank you so so much! 💖 I will definitely check her crop tomorrow and will continue to update as I am able!
  9. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    We have done a finger check before on a hen that was egg bound in the past. I am hesitant now though because of a post by azygous, whom I trust very much. I'm not afraid of the unpleasantness but rather I am concerned of hurting/stressing her. Thank you for the help though. Thank you! Yes, she...
  10. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    Thank you so so much! I love her dearly and I'm glad to have all the help! I don't believe we have lice or mites. We've treated not too long ago for them. The chickens have two large runs and haven't free ranged recently. There shouldn't be anything new in the runs. The only thing I can think...
  11. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    I'm trying to feel very gently, but unfortunately I can't tell. I'm sure an egg could fit there but it doesn't feel any different from other chicken's abdomens necessarily. Thank you for the help. I'm afraid she may be too weak right now. If she perks up and I think she can take it I may do...
  12. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    I see her in the nest box plenty. I think she layed an egg on June 5th, but it is possible she didn't. I cannot positively say any after that. Roughly 11 months. She was hatched on July 19th 2023. I see no discharge from any. Good idea to check though! Thank you. No worries.😁
  13. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    I'm currently going to keep her with me inside tonight and keep a close eye on her. I'll provide a bowl of sugar water. I'm not sure what else may help her. Does anyone know of anything else I should be providing? Edit: here's where she will sleep tonight. Directly next to my bed.
  14. Tiffany Wikk

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    I have an 11 month old Buff Orpington hen named Maisie. I went out about an hour and a half ago to the run and saw her falling asleep while standing. I quickly grabbed her and brought her in and gave her two Calcium Citrate+D3 pills (630mg total) just in case she may be egg bound. I also gave...
  15. Tiffany Wikk

    All the Christian Homeschoolers!

    Aww, CeeCee is a cute name!💖🥰
  16. Tiffany Wikk

    All the Christian Homeschoolers!

    Hi, Grace!😁
  17. Tiffany Wikk

    All the Christian Homeschoolers!

    What about names like Misty, Willow, Pebble, Smudge, Breeze, Finn, or Pepper? Seems like they might fit a little grey and white kitty.🤷🏼‍♀️😁💕
  18. Tiffany Wikk

    All the Christian Homeschoolers!

    Awww! So cute! I hope he grows to be a strong healthy cat for y'all!💖 What kinds of names are you looking for?😁
  19. Tiffany Wikk

    Egg yolk peritonitis treatment help

    I'm so sorry about your hen, Alina! I wish I could help, I really do💖! I'm still praying for her💕. :hugs Hugs for you both :hugs
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