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  1. H

    Where can I buy a adult bantam rooster?

    Have you had any luck rehoming on FB marketplace? I keep getting a "violating policy" message and can't submit the post.
  2. H

    Crested BCM? Just confirming

    That comb looks like legbar, too...agree? I have so much to learn!
  3. H

    Crested BCM? Just confirming

    Hello! All the eggs I hatched came from a pure BCM roo who was over several pure breed hens including BCM and Creme Legbar and barred rock...I know with the exception of the BCM hens he was with, that the rest were going to be BCM mixes.....Since one of the breeds that daddy roo was in with are...
  4. H

    Have you Incubated for others?

    Thanks for this information...I like the idea of the pick up deadlines a lot!
  5. H

    Have you Incubated for others?

    Curious if anyone has incubated eggs for other folks? I love the process but don't need a bazillion chickens! How did it go? Any tips? I was thinking about incubating and then returning chicks within the first week or so. Pics just because. :)
  6. H

    Dust Bath Pictures?

    I used an old wheelbarrow. Added peat moss, fine dirt and a light sprinkling of First Saturday lime...Not only do they love the dust bath part, but they like sunning on the handles! I need to get a pic sometime.
  7. H

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Hello! I'm just across the river in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Wanted to share that I have several BCM roosters and BCM mix roosters if anyone has a need! Thanks!
  8. H

    Anyone in WV???

    Hello! I'm in the Parkersburg area....does anyone need any BCM roos? Also, BCM mix roos? Just checking as I think I have about 12!
  9. H

    Repell All Product?

    Has anyone had any luck with Repell All around their hives? Would it be bad for the chickens? I've used it successfully for the past few years around my garden for deer and coons....just wondering if around the coop could help?
  10. H

    Can you help me predator proof this coop better?

    Yes to all of that! I'm also considering using the tarp they sent as well...not sure how long that will last, but it couldn't hurt.
  11. H

    Topic of the Week - What do you do with all those eggs?

    I'm hoping to soon have more eggs than I can use and no neighbors to share thought was to donate to this great soup kitchen I know of, but how do I know if they will be "permitted" to take these fresh eggs? How do I find out about the rules about such a thing? thanks!
  12. H

    Can you help me predator proof this coop better?

    The top will be fenced, too. Almost like a large cage with a skirt of hardware cloth.
  13. H

    My new coochin chicks

    So super cute! Look like very healthy little buggers.
  14. H

    Can you help me predator proof this coop better?

    That's sad! I've got the whole coop surrounded with 6' fence and adding a skirt of hardware cloth, too. I'm hoping that will prevent coons from getting in....finishing the gate portion. I'm putting in hardware cloth under the gate portion, too so they can't dig under and get in that way...
  15. H

    Can you help me predator proof this coop better?

    Absolutely ---the latches are a joke. Don't know where my brain was when I made this coop purchase!
  16. H

    Can you help me predator proof this coop better?

    I just found out there is such a thing...I'm seriously considering that route.
  17. H

    Can you help me predator proof this coop better?

    Thank for this....I know how the next few days are going to be spent!
  18. H

    Can you help me predator proof this coop better?

    Good grief that's horrible! I have looked into the solar fencing....that may be the perfect option. Thanks!
  19. H

    Can you help me predator proof this coop better?

    You think a hawk could get them in the covered metal run?
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