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  1. C

    16mm leg bands

    Right now they are pretty loose Will keep watching
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    16mm leg bands

    16 mm leg bands ok for three month old dominique hens?
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    4 days old chicks front my pet chicken

    heres some better pics
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    4 days old chicks front my pet chicken

    Reminds me of the little soot sprites from spirited away
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    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    hate to bump an old thread but I have had problems with the distribution center in Cleveland these year as well
  6. C

    probiotics and electrolytes together ?

    new chicks coming this week are probiotics and electrolytes in the same water safe ? also do i need get grit for pine shavings Thanks
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    crow decoys and playing crow and hawk fight

    I want to put out some crow decoys as well as play an occasional crow and hawk fight tape to run off hawks has this been done ?
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    Ratio of Hens to Roosters- Should I add more hens?

    was going to buy 7 hens and two roosters to add to the 3 hens I have after reading this thread i think i will just get one rooster
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    Good hatcheries on southeastern seaboard ?

    any good hatcheries on the southeast coast that sell dominiques ?
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    Hiding in the coop

    But my chicks outside a few days ago but the little buggers are hiding in the coop Is this normal?
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    Hiding in the coop

    But my chicks outside a few days ago but the little buggers are hiding in the coop Is this normal?
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    Chicks going outside

    update as of 630pm est
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    Chicks going outside

    they are 3 of them and they are 6. 5 weeks old they went out this morning
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    Chicks going outside

    Putting my chicks outside this week Night temps are in the low 50"s then 60s in northeast NC
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    homemade coop size

    building a coop 7.5 feet long x 4 feet deep 4ft high would that fit 7 or 8 standard size chickens ? thinking barred rocks and Dominque's
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    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    try bean bag rounds first but at this stage I'd shoot the dog
  17. C

    Scruffy chick

    Dominique She is the one closest to the Camera Giving them Purina start and grow and flock raiser
  18. C

    Scruffy chick

    Have a chick named scruffy That has bare patches and looks kind of under weight She is lively and I see no sign that her feathers are being pulled out but she seem to the runt Put out another feeder in the brooder
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