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  1. Abby3465

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I clean the coop & the run everyday without fail. We live in Florida so heat & poop make for a horrendous smell. Total area, including coop, is only 26'x7' so it isn't difficult to keep clean. We also only have 5 hens so it's pretty easy to keep up with. I'm actually a retired zoo keeper so it's...
  2. Abby3465

    Official BYC Poll: How often do you change your chickens' water in hot weather?

    I have 2 waterers. A 5 gallon bucket with cups and a 1 gallon trough waterer with ACV added. I change twice a week or sooner if they look gross. They get checked for signs of "slime" daily. The cups get cleaned/rinsed daily. I turn them sideways (gently) to get out dust & debris and flush with...
  3. Abby3465

    How do I kill ants in and around chicken coop?

    Yes, have multiple types of ants as well, however, only the red ants have made their way into the run. The DE doesn't phase them as I have it around the outside of the run to create a barrier of sorts. Obviously if they've crawled through it, it doesn't bother them. My hens seem to have no...
  4. Abby3465

    How do I kill ants in and around chicken coop?

    Hi All. I know I'm very late to this conversation but I'm having an ant problem in my run. Red ants! Is the Martin's also good for spraying around the run? Specifically, is it harmful to the hens if they ingest something the spray has hit? I've always been told permethrin is dangerous for...
  5. Abby3465

    Polish Hen Stopped Laying

    Thanks. I will.
  6. Abby3465

    Polish Hen Stopped Laying

    Well that's a relief to hear!! I had actually read that. It was just so strange to me that she started and stopped within such a short period of time. I suppose I'm just going to quit stressing so much and just let nature takes its course.
  7. Abby3465

    Polish Hen Stopped Laying

    Thanks for the input! I'd be inclined to go with the shorter days theory. Although, the other 2 current layers are a week younger than her and they've been laying non stop and still are. None of my birds are molting. They're all the same age. Every thing I've read says I shouldn't expect a molt...
  8. Abby3465

    Polish Hen Stopped Laying

    Hi all. I have a young Polish hen (Phyllis Diller) that started laying early, then all of a sudden just stopped. Based on my research, Polish hens typically begin laying somewhere between 20 and 22 weeks. Here's the exact information. She laid her first egg Oct. 27th. She was 19 weeks at that...
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