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  1. ChickenLover390

    Sour Crop?

    Good news! I checked my hen just now, and her crop had emptied completely overnight. Now she gets to spend the day with her flock!
  2. ChickenLover390

    Sour Crop?

    Thank you for responding! I separated her already and took her food and water. How much apple cider vinegar should I give her? Is there a specific amount or should I just guess?
  3. ChickenLover390

    Sour Crop?

    Here is her just now.
  4. ChickenLover390

    Sour Crop?

    For the last few days, my 1 year old red sex link hen has had a large crop. I thought it was impacted crop, but when I felt two days ago, it was squishy. I felt it yesterday, and it was hard again. I’ve never had any problems like this, and I don’t know if it’s impacted or sour crop. I just went...
  5. ChickenLover390

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Miss BYC Beauty Pageant

    Name: Stilton Age: 9 months Color: Red? Breed: Red Sex Link She’s my dominant hen.
  6. ChickenLover390

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Miss BYC Beauty Pageant

    Name: Pecorino Age: 9 months Color: Mottled Breed: Houdan
  7. ChickenLover390

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Miss BYC Beauty Pageant

    She is so pretty! I love the coloring!
  8. ChickenLover390

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Mister BYC Beauty Pageant

    Name: Skipper Age: 5 months?(at the time of photo)He was adopted Color: Cuckoo Breed: Cuckoo Maran
  9. ChickenLover390

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Miss BYC Beauty Pageant

    Name: Asiago Age: 9 months Color: Buff Breed: Buff Brahma
  10. ChickenLover390

    Brahmas or not?

    Yes, mine has a pea comb.
  11. ChickenLover390

    Brahmas or not?

    That’s a buff Brahma. That’s what mine looked like.
  12. ChickenLover390

    Brenda or Brandon?

    “Brandon” seems to have hackle feathers. Probably a roo.
  13. ChickenLover390

    Name the eggs! Choose your baby to root for!

    I’ll take 17 and I’ll name it Swiss
  14. ChickenLover390

    New to Brahmas, first roo ever?

    I have a Brahma hen, and I thought she was a roo at first. I think your Brahma is a pullet.
  15. ChickenLover390

    Everyone is 50/50 on whether this is a pullet or cockerel 😂

    I‘m not an expert, but it looks like a pullet to me. It’s just the tail fathers look a little roostery.
  16. ChickenLover390

    Show me your flock(and I’ll show you mine)

    I love to see other people’s flocks! Chickens are so cute!! I have 15 chickens: 14 hens and 1 rooster. I adopted my roo at the beginning of summer. He was going to be sold to someone who would probably eat him and I couldn’t let that happen. Cuckoo Marans: Trogdor and Skipper (roo) Buff Brahma...
  17. ChickenLover390

    Mysterious Head Feather Issue, Not Sure of Cause. Please Help!

    So, a few days ago I noticed that my red sex link hen Cheddar had grey on her head. I took a closer look and found that she seems to have lost all her feathers by her comb and is now growing them back. She is about 9 months old, so she is too young to be molting, right? None of my other hens...
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