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  1. F

    Frost bite? Toenail Injury? Please help with my chicken foot issue

    I agree. But her toe is swollen so it appears she has an infection? I have no experience with this and we don't have a chicken vet. Is this a normal part of the process and I should leave it alone or should I be trying to get the infection(?) out?
  2. F

    Frost bite? Toenail Injury? Please help with my chicken foot issue

    Hello all, I noticed one of my Buff's toenails looked like it had gotten torn off (or something like that) because it was missing, and the toe was obviously swollen. I did a bunch of research and most of what I found was related to Bumblefoot. I read through the post on here that was actually...
  3. F

    Hello fellow chicken people

    Thanks everyone!! It really is an amazing site. I have visited many times and gained so much knowledge. And laughed a lot <3
  4. F

    Hello fellow chicken people

    I am a chicken enthusiast and I am looking forward to expand my knowledge here with you fine folks. This forum has already been a help to me but I haven't officially joined until now. My current flock has Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orphingtons, Sapphire Gems, Plymouth Barred Rock, Crevécoeur and...
  5. F

    Chick with Coccidia and thiamine deficiency

    I'm really curious if you found out what went wrong. I have been in the same boat when getting chicks that have been shipped. There is always one with cocsidosis and I end up having to put them on Corid. I do 1.5tsp in my 1 liter waterer (as per their 1TBSP/gal dose) Then after something like 2...
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