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  1. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 eggs out of 8 girls the 2 previous days, 7 out of 8 yesterday. We've been getting 5 to 7 daily for weeks now, so quite a bounty. (They just reached full "hen-hood" this spring, all very young chickens.) I recognize which egg belongs to which hen for the most part (easy with the 2 Eggers and...
  2. RedwoodCoastChick

    The Old Folks Home

    WHOA -- life in the fast lane!;)
  3. RedwoodCoastChick

    The Old Folks Home

    Hello again, all! I haven't been able to indulge in BYC time for almost 2 months due to my old computer being on its last gasp, and especially with our peaceful retirement life being blown to smithereens by our daughter and her two littles (age 7 months and 3 years) moving in with us...
  4. RedwoodCoastChick

    What did you do with your flock today?

    After so many months of soggy weather, spring has sprung here on the Redwood Coast, so I replaced the old nasty straw bale in the chicken yard with a brand new one. The girls are enthralled -- it needs lots of scratching, pecking and pooping-upon to make it livable.
  5. RedwoodCoastChick

    Coffee Club

    Hello again, all! Yes, we're having sunny days and chilly nights here on the Redwood Coast, finally not too soggy to get out and garden a bit (mostly battling spring weeds, but the chooks love weed piles.) I haven't had any time to hang out on BYC for over a month, since our daughter and...
  6. RedwoodCoastChick

    California - Northern

    Still here, and my 8 pullets from last spring have now all "graduated" to full hen-dom! I've had no time lately to hang out on BYC since our daughter and 2 very small kids moved in with us in March... The 3 year old loves the chickens and is learning how to gently pet them and give treats. So...
  7. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Ohhhh, no! What a shock, so sad... 😲 Was she an old girl? Obviously she'd seemed fine before; so sorry you've lost your sweet girl.😢
  8. RedwoodCoastChick

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Loved, loved LOVED the Carol Burnett Show! Our family watched it faithfully and still quote some favorite bits from skits like "Went With The Wind" (her "Scarlet" in the velvet curtain fabric gown with the curtain rod still in it: "Ah saw it in the window and Ah just had to have it!"), soap...
  9. RedwoodCoastChick

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Both of my grandmothers LOVED Lawrence Welk's show! And, oddly, wrestling and roller derby...🤔 Mom joked that no one could marry into "The King Family Singers" without passing an audition...😂
  10. RedwoodCoastChick

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Ohhh, man, kurby, that's heartbreaking!🥺😢 I'm so sorry you lost several of your flock especially when you're trying so hard to protect and heal them, and the elements are against you. I feel your frustration, we've been clobbered with one atmospheric river storm after another since January (I...
  11. RedwoodCoastChick

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Wheeee! Party time! 😁 They're so much fun, and easy to please...
  12. RedwoodCoastChick

    What did you do with your flock today?

    "Scram!!! We're busted!" 😄😆😂
  13. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Lua looks just like our Barred Rock Xenobia (aka "Xena the Warrior Princess" jokingly, because she's such a sweet & mellow big floof!) She's one of my friendly favorites in the flock.🤗 Oh, right - just 4 eggs out of 8 girls today: Martha's blue, Edna's green, Xena's tan and a big brown (Rhonda...
  14. RedwoodCoastChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    You're much more organized than I am! Eggshells just get tossed in a box near the woodstove, and when I need to crush more for the girls' enjoyment, I just dig out a bunch from the bottom of the pile. ☺️😁 But I only have 8 girls so it's not that overwhelming to keep up with. My 3-yr-old...
  15. RedwoodCoastChick

    The Old Folks Home

    Cue the music: "Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match..." Legs is a very lucky boy! (And so handsome, too.)
  16. RedwoodCoastChick

    The Old Folks Home

    I think we're in the path of the same storm systems. Lovely sunny day today but rain's supposed to start tonight (Friday) and continue through Tuesday. Three sunny days -- sure was nice while it lasted! (Sorry, chooks, back under cover tomorrow...)
  17. RedwoodCoastChick

    The Old Folks Home

    Woo-Hoo!!! So cute, and so exciting!:love:weeYou have quite the assortment there! I need to enjoy everyone else's chicks this year as I have no room for more chickens (and we're overwhelmed with eggs just from our 8 young girls). So YES, bring on the chick pics!😍
  18. RedwoodCoastChick

    How to stop my chicken pecking my shoes

    Not to mention the Poo Factor! 💩😜Definitely don't want to step in cecal poop with open shoes...
  19. RedwoodCoastChick

    How to stop my chicken pecking my shoes

    Maybe carry a squirt bottle with you and give her a face-full of water when she tries to peck your shoes? I've used sprayed water to derail a number of unwanted chicken behaviors - unless it's too cold outside, of course.
  20. RedwoodCoastChick

    Raccoon lock on metal framed run

    That's mighty bold of your raccoon to be "casing the joint" like that in broad daylight!😳 I use heavy duty carabiners to lock the gate into our chicken yard, and on all the latches to their coop -- main door, nest box lids, access doors to the hardware cloth-covered covered run inside the...
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