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  1. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    So far my Snow White hasn’t slept in the box yet. She just wants to put up a fight when I collect eggs. Once the eggs are out of sight she finds something else to do.
  2. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Keep your voice down with this broody talk. I have a Light Brahma that doesn’t need any encouragement right now. I’ve had to push her out of the box a few times and I’m trying to annoy her enough that she doesn’t commit.
  3. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    I’m certainly no expert but they look great to me. Bodies look like what I would expect. Leg color looks correct to me. The pictures are a bit fuzzy when I try to zoom in on their eyes but everything I can see looks really nice
  4. Tstraub

    Buff Orpington mix up

    One of them was purchased as a cinnamon queen and was chipmunk stripped the day I brought them home. The other 2 were yellow. The one in question was just a little bit darker yellow/brown in color. At the time I didn’t think they were different enough in color that they were different breeds...
  5. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    All those single combs sure make it easy to tell the boys from the girls. Most of my chicks are olive Eggers with pea combs. About 1/2 also have beard feathers so they don’t grow big wattles either. So I’m still guessing on a few of mine.
  6. Tstraub

    Order Up. Toaster oven Hatch-A-Long

    I wish I had time but my twins high school graduation is in just a couple weeks. Luckily my wife is handling most of that, but that means I have to pick up some of her normal chores to balance things out and keep her sane. The garden needs lots of attention this time of year. Also the sturgeon...
  7. Tstraub

    Order Up. Toaster oven Hatch-A-Long

    I have been clicking around on Hoover Hatchery’s website. For now I’m thinking she is likely a prairie bluebell, starlight green egger or one of the other creativity named mixed breeds that they keep coming up with. I’ll probably just consider her to be an Easter egger until I’m convinced otherwise.
  8. Tstraub

    Order Up. Toaster oven Hatch-A-Long

    The chicken run expansion is nearly complete. I pushed the east wall out 8 feet adding an additional 128 square feet of space to accommodate the additional birds. I still need to finish up some of the predator protection like netting on top and skirting at ground level. I’ll probably loose most...
  9. Tstraub

    Buff Orpington mix up

    I got her from Family Farm and Home. They use Hoover Hatchery. As best I can remember chicks available the day I purchased were Buff Orpington, cinnamon queen, Rhode Island Red, gold lace Wyandotte, and Cornish Cross. I don’t think she looks like any of those breeds. I’m not heart broken that...
  10. Tstraub

    Buff Orpington mix up

    2 weeks ago I bought what i thought were 2 Buff Orpington and one Cinnamon Queen. One of the Orpingtons is feathering out a darker than expected color. Her legs are also very orange not pink/white like an Orpington. She is being taken care of by a very protective Wyandotte so it’s hard to get a...
  11. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Sounds like lots of chicks in your future. Now you need to train the broodys to leg band the chicks at hatch and you’ll be all set
  12. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    If you are ever in my area I can give you some green eggs. Most of my green egg layers are Hoover Hatchery olive Eggers Americana x Cuckoo Marans so they should have one copy of blue gene and 1/2 of the daughters will inherit it and lay green/ olive color eggs. They are all covered only by Axl...
  13. Tstraub

    Order Up. Toaster oven Hatch-A-Long

    I saw you had one thinking about it but hadn’t seen she was fully committed. Congratulations
  14. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    That’s the same bird as the first picture of that post. He was first one I had pegged as a cockerel. He has had an attitude since day 1. I’m not sure who the mother is. When My Jersey Giant was ready to sit on eggs and I realized the timing would make of Easter Sunday hatch I gave her 9 green...
  15. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    It’s been a while since I have posted anything to this thread. Mostly because none of my Marans eggs hatched. I did get some olive eggers 5 weeks ago and one BCM X BR to hatch a week ago. It has the head spot so definitely a cockerel.
  16. Tstraub

    Order Up. Toaster oven Hatch-A-Long

    Cock-a-Doodle-DON’T. Don’t you do it Dutch Baby. 5 weeks old today and the wattles are beginning to turn color and swell up.
  17. Tstraub

    Order Up. Toaster oven Hatch-A-Long

    I’m still reading every post over there but haven’t posted myself in a while. Yard work and garden projects are taking a big portion of my free time right now
  18. Tstraub

    Order Up. Toaster oven Hatch-A-Long

    The incubator has been turned off and eggtopsy complete. Most of them looked like the developed up to around day 14-17 then quit. In hindsight I believe I was too hot. There are definitely spots in the incubator that are warmer than others I think when I raised the temperature I created a hot...
  19. Tstraub

    Order Up. Toaster oven Hatch-A-Long

    Sorry for the long winded post but I’ll try to give updates of all the chicks hatched in this thread. I think I’ll candle the eggs currently cooking later today and make a final decision on whether or not to continue incubating these eggs. I know it’s not impossible for eggs to hatch late but I...
  20. Tstraub

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 05-03-24 Pic by Emupriya

    OMG you have a pet Skeksis! Where can I get one?
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