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  1. J

    It’s been 24 hours since this chick pipped. The membrane looks dry. Should I assist?

    It’s been a full 24 hours since this egg pipped. I can see and hear the chick but the membrane looks dry. Should I wait or help?
  2. J

    Chicken wandering around aimlessly and pecking wall inside coop?

    I have a polish hen who had been the “favorite” for a while so I separated her and the rooster. She’s not injured, just missing feathers. The past few days, she has been wandering around one corner of the run like she’s lost. Tonight when I went out to lock my chickens up, she was still outside...
  3. J

    Show quality Mille fleur duccles?

    Thank you! Could you point me in the right direction of possibly what show quality looks like?
  4. J

    Show quality Mille fleur duccles?

    Are these considered show quality Mille fleur duccles? Someone is selling chicks and I saw them. They stated they were show quality.
  5. J

    Show quality Mille fleur duccles?

    How do I change it? I don’t know how I even ended up in this one lol
  6. J

    Show quality Mille fleur duccles?

    Are these considered show quality Mille fleur duccles? I saw someone post they were going to have show chicks available from these and they stated they were show quality.
  7. J

    Will my rooster be okay with the switch?

    He’s in with crested cream legbars and marans. Sorry, I should have included that. It’s two of the legbars that currently have issues with him but the others seems fine for the most part.
  8. J

    Will my rooster be okay with the switch?

    I have a jerk of a rooster but he’s a really good protector and we are working with him so he gets to stay…for now. Here’s my question, I have had him with 5 hens but he has massively outgrown them and is now hurting them when trying to mate. I decided to take my other rooster who is around the...
  9. J

    Crack in hatching egg?

    Thank you! I’m hoping it works and the chick survives ♥️
  10. J

    Crack in hatching egg?

    I set 18 serama hatching eggs yesterday. I inspected them and didn’t see any cracks but this morning when checking them out in the incubator, I noticed one egg had a teeny tiny crack and had some dried liquid (very minimal). I took non scented candle wax and sealed it like I’ve seen some suggest...
  11. J


    I’d love info on the breed as well as how much space they need compared to a regular bantam!
  12. J

    Belgian duccles breeders?

    Oops! Thank you!
  13. J

    I’m looking for a reputable serama breeder for hatching eggs!

    Thank you so much! I have my incubator ready ♥️
  14. J

    I’m looking for a reputable serama breeder for hatching eggs!

    Thank you! She has made me fall in love with the breed and I can’t wait to get more ♥️
  15. J

    Kikirikis and living environment?

    I have read and read about this breed but I’ve been finding conflicting information. I read somewhere that they need temperatures above 50 degrees F to live and some say it isn’t true. I’m building a temperature controlled coop and run this spring for my other chickens and was considering...
  16. J

    I’m looking for a reputable serama breeder for hatching eggs!

    I do! Thank you so much! She’s the sweetest baby!
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