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  1. georgeg78

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi, replying to just say hello to like minded chicken fans! We've been busy moving house (I can now give advice on how to move your chickens in the most calm, safe way when you move house, as managed it, was so pleased as I was SO stressed about it!). Chickens all settled in their new home and...
  2. georgeg78

    When is the right time to euthanise - need advice!

    Hi I need some fairly urgent advice or reassurance about when it is a good time to euthanise as I’m second guessing my decision. Two months ago, my rescue hybrid chicken (I’m in the UK) got ascites, she had treatment via dueretics which helped and she went back to her old self, but three weeks...
  3. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and now can’t swallow as well

    So it turns out she has both, a crop and digestive impact and likely a middle ear infection. Still waiting for cultures though. It’s not looking hopeful to be honest. She’s very thin and exhausted now and I’m weighing up if it’s cruel to keep her alive. However part of me, now knowing her...
  4. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around.

    Thank you!! No she doesn’t have mites or lice. I asked my vet about peroxide and he said he wouldn’t risk it, but I’ve seen it suggested a few times here and just wondering if he’s being a typically reserved British vet (!) I do have some hydrogen peroxide so could do it, just nervous I really...
  5. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around.

    Hi, I’ve got some nu stock, is this safe to use around her ears or in them? She is still scratching them lots and then the yawning happens. Hoping to get her test results on Monday but that’s still a day away and want to bring her as much comfort as possible!
  6. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around.

    I will try and get some photos. Yes she's been treated for worms - flubenvet was used and also the ivermectin for gapeworm. I can't see anything in her beak but the ears are still hot to touch and i think have some gunge around them. She actually likes me softly rubbing them! So, I sent a video...
  7. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around.

    you shouldn't need either to view the video as its available to the public! But not to worry, and thank you for tagging people!
  8. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around.

    I’ve tried on something called streamable, copied url so hoping it works! Thanks!
  9. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around. Ok hoping this works, I just took this of her. She tries to relax or dust bath and the yawning/head shaking stops her. I think she’s exhausted.
  10. georgeg78

    Severe Inner Ear Infection - No antibiotic seems to be helping. Please Help!

    I’d like to know how she is too! I really hope u found the right medication and she got better. I’m going through something similar at the moment and it’s so stressful.
  11. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around.

    Pa the vet dismissed an inner ear infection, but I’ve read on here they are hard to get rid of so recent antibiotics may not have done it. He’s taken a swab for culture but guess that would only show middle or outer ear infections?
  12. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around.

    Thank you, I might well go down that route if I feel I can help her. She’s currently digging and dust bathing (inbetween yawns) so think there is still lots of life in her. But the yawns and head shaking just get in the way.
  13. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around.

    The vet has checked her crop for sour crop and the yawning has got to the point where it is almost happening constantly, so I think more than just adjustment. I wish I did know though as think it’s causing the pain that prevents her from resting, eating or doing much else :(
  14. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around.

    Ok, hopefully you can get access to the video here (It's not me but our friend who looked after them a couple of weeks ago - you can see the yawning action which she is doing even more now)
  15. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around.

    Thanks so much for responding! She got 3x drops of ivermectin on her neck once a week for three weeks. It was the amount the vet told me to give - hope ok! I'm just trying to upload my video to flickr as don't know if can just embed one? She is definitely getting worse "yawning" wise. Still...
  16. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and now can’t swallow as well

    Hi, I feel awful for seemingly only posting ill chicken posts but I can’t seem to get answers elsewhere! I have a 4 year old rescue chicken. I am in the uK. She was treated for mites 2 months ago (ivermectin x3 and she’d fully cleaned x2). All clear now. However about a month ago she started...
  17. georgeg78

    Chicken excessively yawning, shaking head and throwing food around.

    Hi, I feel awful for seemingly only posting ill chicken posts but I can’t seem to get answers elsewhere! I have a 4 year old rescue chicken. I am in the uK. She was treated for mites 2 months ago (ivermectin x3 and she’d fully cleaned x2). All clear now. However about a month ago she started to...
  18. georgeg78

    Possible stroke - chicken wobbly

    Day 2 update: Apart from one wobble this morning, not seen any other times she has done it. She’s eating quite a lot and drinking but is definitely slower and rests a lot. But then she’ll have an occasional burst and run and scratch about. I do worry her crop is giving her pain as she does look...
  19. georgeg78

    Possible stroke - chicken wobbly

    Thanks so much for your reply. Yes she had egg peritonitis twice, the hormone implant was put in about 3 months ago. She’s an ex battery and is about 4.5 years. I’ve got three chickens, all have been treated for mites, by ivermectin drops and also a medicine the vet gave (can’t remember name but...
  20. georgeg78

    Possible stroke - chicken wobbly

    The only different thing we did today was start them on course of flubenvet (no worms- just preventative measure) and I sprayed under her wings with a natural mite repellent
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