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  1. Climbingalbatross

    Black To White Experiment

    Be careful with chick feed. The lack of calcium can be an issue for layers. Adults with intact feathers won't need the high amount of protein. I would look into grower feed with a lower amount of protein and supplement with calcium. My hens eat layer feed, and I still supplement with microwaved...
  2. Climbingalbatross

    Black To White Experiment

    I am replied to an earlier part of this thread that involved wing sexing 7 chicks.
  3. Climbingalbatross

    Black Bantam Cochins Resulting in Cuckoo Chicks?

    Only black Bantam Cochins in the pen. Could it be recessive white showing?
  4. Climbingalbatross

    Black To White Experiment

    I know this an old post. I just wanted to point out that #2 and #4 show the most wing development. I am not sure as to what consistitues enough wing development to determine a female.
  5. Climbingalbatross

    Black Bantam Cochins Resulting in Cuckoo Chicks?

    My smooth black bantam Cochin Hen and frizzled black bantam Cochin Rooster results in numerous black chicks with a white dot on their heads. Is it possible that one or both carry the cuckoo gene? How would the cuckoo gene be masked? I thought the cuckoo striping is dominant. Why is there a white...
  6. Climbingalbatross

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    I used baking soda and cake mix for rats before on hungry rats. I didn't see any blood on the mouths of the rats that turned up dead, so it could be that they didn't explode. I also rely on cats and opossums to clear out mice. Plaster of Paris is recommended as an alternative rat poison. The...
  7. Climbingalbatross

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    Try the following: 1) Mix baking soda with cornmeal or cake mix (50/50). Place in containers that will keep the contents dry (and out of reach of the chickens). Rats can’t fart and burp like other mammals, resulting in rats that explode from the inside. Predators won”t be poisoned when they eat...
  8. Climbingalbatross

    St. John's Wort and Mereks Disease

    The frizzled Satin hen is still alive. My frizzled Silkie rooster passed because I didn't catch it in time.
  9. Climbingalbatross

    St. John's Wort and Mereks Disease

    Used 1 tbsp of water with one pill in a bottle. Give 20 drops of the solution to the infected bird. Repeat every 12 hours until symptoms subside. Most chickens don't like the taste of the pure form. Try 50% St. Johns Wort and 50% water in another bottle. Ten drops of pure St. Johns Wort should...
  10. Climbingalbatross

    Suspected Internal Laying

    Peep is still very active. She feels like a led weight when compared to her sister. Also, she spends quite a bit of time in her nesting box. The photos don't show it, but her waddles and comb are bright red.
  11. Climbingalbatross

    Respiratory sounds- first time hearing this

    Look into St John's Wort for improving the immune system. It is used to fight Meraks. It might help with MG as well.
  12. Climbingalbatross

    Respiratory sounds- first time hearing this

    1 ml every 12 hour worked for all of my hens within 1 week. I didn't add anything to the mix when they received this dose.
  13. Climbingalbatross

    Suspected Internal Laying

    A blue laced 2-year Bantam Cochin laid 2 fairy eggs before she stopped laying about 4 months ago to molt. Her sister never laid fairy eggs but stopped laying eggs 1 week after. Her sister started laying eggs about 1-month ago. Both regrew their feathers, display red waddles/combs, and sit...
  14. Climbingalbatross

    Bantam Cochin Hens won't Breed

    I think it is an issue when the males are flightless. I noticed my Alpha red Smooth Satin (mixed with partridge Cochin and black silkie) can jump a little higher than my frizzled silkie and frizzled Cochin roosters. Even he will only peck the Cochins on the head to show dominance. He really...
  15. Climbingalbatross

    Respiratory sounds- first time hearing this

    I would keep her separated until her eyes and face look normal. MG is very contagious.
  16. Climbingalbatross

    Bantam Cochin Hens won't Breed

    The red Satin has been with 2 of his hens for 1 year and 2 other hens for 2 months. The two 9-month old bantam Cochins I integrated 3-months ago. He has been with his sister and another Silkie for 2 years. It could be that a total of 8 hens may be a bit much for him. He breeds with all 4 Silkies...
  17. Climbingalbatross

    PLEASE help...Whole flock-Extreme Respiratory

    I have bantams that weigh 1.5-3.5 lbs. All sick hens received the same dosage every 12 hours until they ceased to show symptoms. I used the syringes (1cc=1ml) I received from my avian vet. The vet assistant told me to use 1 cc or 2 cc if mixed 50/50 with syrup. I found that 1 cc cleared their...
  18. Climbingalbatross

    Respiratory sounds- first time hearing this

    Is enro working? I would only switch if you are not experiencing success. I keep a large bottle of it for respiratory issues during changing weather. Many breeders give it to their chickens before a show as a preventantive. Not the intended use, but it is how I found out.
  19. Climbingalbatross

    Sick Chicken

    My avian vet always defaults to crop issues. I will mix papaya. olive oil, and metamucil in their yogurt when I am not using the medication prescibed by the vet. What does her poop look like?
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