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    Nine month old Bielefelder with distended crop that won't empty

    So glad to hear your Buckeye girl is doing better. Yeah...I've had to apologize many times for massaging a crop, though there have been *some* times they'll settle in on my lap and let me spend some time doing it. Thought I'd share that since my last post (a few weeks ago now) we've been using...
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    Review by 'BartokRae' in article 'Caring For Chickens In The Spring'

    Clear and concise, providing a base from which you can do further research based on your particular setup if needed.
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    Nine month old Bielefelder with distended crop that won't empty

    My 2 Bielefelder hens also developed static crop/pendulous crop at 9 months. They were survivors of a mountain lion attack when they were 8 weeks old and we suspect the trauma may have thrown things off for them (as a possible factor). Anyhow, as new chicken keepers, it took a while to grasp...
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    Monistat use details

    Thank you. My 2 hens are doing much better. We are on a week of Acidified Copper Sulfate (after the monisat) and their crops are continuing to empty more and more each night. (And others in the flock are seeming to thrive on it as well). They're crops are not completely flat in the morning...
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    Monistat use details

    Hello. Hoping folks will share their methods of use of Monistat for Sour Crop. Looking to get clear on the details: -Which Monistat do you use? -What is the dose for that particular Monistat? -How many times per day? -For how many days? -How do you administer the medicine? If by syringe...
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    Saying goodbye to Alfie

    Thank you!
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    Saying goodbye to Alfie

    We are looking to rehome a rooster. If you are located within 5 or so hours of driving from Quincy, California and are willing to take one in, let me know. Or if you can refer a person or group in that area who might be interested, that would be super helpful. He is a 6 month old Bielefelder...
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    Help needed with young rooster

    Thank you!
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    Help needed with young rooster

    Thanks for all the suggestions. We’ve separated him, but he gets to visit the rest of the flock through the walls of their run all day until it’s their turn to free range, and we put him back in his temporary pen in the garage (until the new coop is delivered). He seems to have calmed down...
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    Help needed with young rooster

    That sounds good - thank you. We closely surpervise our chickens when the free range. Would that make it ok to free range them together?
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    Help needed with young rooster

    Hi. Could really use some advice about our young rooster. He is 5 months old, and the only roo with a mixed flock of 13 hens. He is a Bielefelder. He has been super aggressive with our head hen, a RIR. He will seek her out to chase, keeping her from food, water and other flock mates. She...
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    Do you play music for your chickens?

    We put speakers in the run. Our chickens without fail have responded well to music. The right selections can calm them down or engage them where their main activity is listening attentively. They’ll find a spot and settle down for the show, like humans on the lawn at an outdoor concert. It...
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    Poopy Butt - is this a concern?

    I have not dewormed her. I will look into it now you mention it - thank you. Her poops mostly are well-formed when I have witnessed them.
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    Poopy Butt - is this a concern?

    Our 5 month old buff Orpington hen has had 2 incidents in the last 2 months of poopy butt. In both instances, it started like in the photo and got to the extent that accumulation occurred, she seemed to be picking around her tail area in irritation, and we gave her a warm soak to manually...
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    Chicken toy question

    Thanks for all the feedback. Sounds like it’s too risky for non-edible materials. Happily the chickens will be very happy with our usual treats, perches and dust bath.
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    Chicken toy question

    My chickens love pecking at my zippers, buttons, loose threads, clothes in general, etc. Makes me think they’d love a hanging piece of fabric embedded with little objects for them to peck apart. Anyone seen anything like that? Or know what types of materials would be safe to use? Would it...
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    New Member Here

    Hi all. Raising my first flock of egg layers here in the High Sierras of California. 8 in all. My husband and I are totally smitten with these wonderful birds.
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