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    Ha! Jokes on me! Thanks for your advice.
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    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest Photo Submission - Thread #10

    “Where are my MiB raybans, Agent K?” -This quote was for the black chicken. Don’t know how to get it under its pic.
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    These chicks were given to me by a teacher. I assume they are all females. Two were very fast featherers and one ( light brown) has a very prominent pinkish comb and waddles for a 3 week old, and that was throwing me off and the other two also have small white combs and waddles ( also 3 week...
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    Update: It was an impacted crop. All healed! Is this an abscess? Pecking injury in 2 day old chick.

    My hen only hatched out 1 chick. I think she may have killed 2 chicks accidentally trying to help them peck out. I called a friend who sells chicks and she said she’d bring me one 2 day old chick. While waiting for that chick another chick hatched - day 25. I introduced the new 2 day old chick...
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    What color does this salmon favorelles rooster look like he is feathering out to be? He doesn't look like any of the other rooster chicks.

    He’s going to be beautiful! Do you ship fertile eggs? I been looking for favorelles. But no one has them in Alaska.
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    Chicks Day 23, one egg piped and halfway zip- 2 days later still alive with yolk and blood

    Thank you. I have been. I lost 3 to the heater fiasco but 5 are still alive and I heard pecking last night so that’s a good sign. I am going to write a very strongly worded letter to this incubator company. My husband said I looked so frazzled and panicky yesterday. I literally did nothing but...
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    Hello from Alaska

    Yes I candled. They are veins and they are moving. I figured out the problem. The heater on this incubator is 10 degrees off.
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    Chicks Day 23, one egg piped and halfway zip- 2 days later still alive with yolk and blood

    I forgot to add that I also have a heating pad over the incubator. Doing nothing but sitting next to the incubator temperature, watching it.
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    Chicks Day 23, one egg piped and halfway zip- 2 days later still alive with yolk and blood

    I found out what was going on. My temperature/heater is not working correctly on this incubator and is giving me false readings. I have now inserted into the incubator my husband's multimeter which is reading all over the place and our barbecue grill temperature thermometer which is in the...
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    Hello from Alaska

    Hello. I am Vi from Alaska. I have had chickens for 2 years now. I have 6 in total. I tried hatching some chicks recently via Incubator but I think I have failed!! I am on day 23. I posted my question on the incubation forum!! I have a broody mama though so she will most likely hatch hers. I...
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    Chicks Day 23, one egg piped and halfway zip- 2 days later still alive with yolk and blood

    This is my first time incubating chicks. I think my incubator humidity is off. I have 7 eggs that are on day 23. Two days ago one chick piped and started to zip 1/4 around the egg and then went erratic and stopped. I helped to crack the air cell yesterday. The chick is still in its sac and I can...
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