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  1. uisceros

    Sour Crop antifungal dosage for Serama

    Thanks!! She’s already doing much better after the first dose of clotrimazole, but I’ll keep dosing her with the miconazole for the next week to make sure it’s gone. I think I caught it super early, which I’m grateful for!
  2. uisceros

    Sour Crop antifungal dosage for Serama

    Hi all, I have a 4 month old Serama hen that started acting off last night. I didn't realize something was actually wrong until this afternoon though. She has some pretty classic sour crop signs (large squishy crop, yellow liquid discharge from mouth - it doesn't smell though - I hope that's...
  3. uisceros

    Serama Roo with watery green diarrhea

    Okay, so I trimmed his beak, am still dealing with the foot issues, but new development - bloody poop. This was in the coop last night. Not every poop is bloody, and he’s acting normal, eating, etc. I’m at a loss here. I did another CORID dose. Vet time?
  4. uisceros

    Serama Roo with watery green diarrhea

    So far so good - still nervous, but his poop was more solid today. Still too liquid-ey for comfort, but better. He’s still acting normal too, crowing, eating, tidbitting. Here he is with his “boots” (wrapped feet due to the sores he has on his fourth toes). Heres the sores on one of his...
  5. uisceros

    Serama Roo with watery green diarrhea

    Got it! I have him on the normal dose (I’m using powdered, so 1/2 teaspoon), but I’ll switch him over in the morning. I can try to get him to a vet, but there’s not a lot that take chickens here unfortunately! Mold is possible - there was a leak in the waterer that I wasn’t aware of, and there...
  6. uisceros

    Serama Roo with watery green diarrhea

    Hi all, I have a one year old Serama rooster with some issues. I’m treating him for some sores on his toes (neosporin and daily bandage changes), but he’s also straining to poop and when he does only very smelly greenish liquid comes out: I see him eat (he’s on multi flock), and his crop...
  7. uisceros

    Scaly Leg mites? Plus green poop!

    Okay, still not a super great picture (hard to take a picture and hold a squirmy chicken at the same time), but you can see it. This side is worse, but the other side has a small sore as well. I’m really hoping that is his nail and not the bone. I can tell he already feels much better...
  8. uisceros

    Scaly Leg mites? Plus green poop!

    I did not know this!! Thanks for the info! Luckily I intend to put these guys outside as soon as Ozzy is feeling a little better, but is there a specific supplement that would be good for this?
  9. uisceros

    Scaly Leg mites? Plus green poop!

    Honestly, I wonder if all of this is because his feet hurt? Like, he didn’t feel like eating because he was in pain, etc. I’ve never dealt with it myself, but I wonder if it’s bumblefoot? He doesn’t want to climb to the top level of the cage and doesn’t want to perch. I assume because his feet...
  10. uisceros

    Scaly Leg mites? Plus green poop!

    Thanks so much! As always I fear I’m panicking for no reason - my chickens are pets (especially the Seramas), so I worry a lot. Any idea why his fourth toes have sores on them? For now I’ll put some Neosporin and some vet wrap on them to see if that helps.
  11. uisceros

    Scaly Leg mites? Plus green poop!

    Hi all, I have a year old Serama rooster that I THINK might have scaly leg mites. He spent time outside before he came to me, but he’s been indoors for the past 8 months (quarantine period followed by winter time). He’s on wood shavings, and eats Kalmbach grower feed or henhouse reserve...
  12. uisceros

    Chicken with bald head

    Thanks for the help! I’ll separate my little roo out for a bit. They’re currently in a 22 sq/ft indoor cage for the winter, but I hope to move them to their 60 sq/ft outdoor coop very soon (as soon as it’s warm enough). I hope the extra space helps this whole situation. Luckily she’s still...
  13. uisceros

    Chicken with bald head

    Hi all, This is not really an illness, or at least I don’t think it is! I have a 1.5 year old Serama who is currently bald. I’m about 95% sure it’s due to my rooster. I have one serama rooster with six hens, but this poor girl is definitely his favorite. I think he just pulled all her head...
  14. uisceros

    Chick with deformed wing

    Honestly, really good! He's a little terror (hormonal teenage cockerel) who likes to bite me and pester his brother, but otherwise he's good! He obviously can't fly, but doesn't seem to bothered (his "good wing" hangs a little low, so I think both of his wings are weak). He's also pretty small...
  15. uisceros

    Serama Bachelor Flock

    Thanks so much for your response!! So here’s my current situation - 7 hens (two are babies), 1 roosters, and 4 cockerel babies. I’m assuming the ratio of 7/5 will not work out well overall, which is why I decided to split them. Maybe I could keep one of the cockerel babies with my main rooster...
  16. uisceros

    Serama Bachelor Flock

    Hi all, I recently hatched out six serama chicks (offspring of one of my beloved roosters who passed away) and while obviously I was expecting cockerels, I ended up with four of them! I love roosters, and plan on keeping them all, but since this is my first experience with a bachelor flock, I...
  17. uisceros

    Rooster stopped crowing

    False alarm 😂 It’s like he was waiting for me to panic, little shit. Last night when I got home I took him out of his cage and brought him upstairs (the Seramas live in my basement during the winter). When he was suddenly in a new environment he started crowing again and hasn’t stopped since...
  18. uisceros

    Rooster stopped crowing

    Oh, good call on the being cold thing! I purchased Ozzy and a hen from a breeder in Florida, so when he moved to Massachusetts I bought him a heating panel. I took it away when he moved into the new coop. I wonder if he’s feeling a little cold. I hope it’s as simple as that - he’s making mer...
  19. uisceros

    Rooster stopped crowing

    I am actually going to switch them over soon - I was giving everyone multi-flock for awhile, but then I spoke to my feed store and they told me it would be okay to give everyone layer. I heard Kalmbach Henhouse Reserve can be given to roosters without any issues, so I’m going to switch them...
  20. uisceros

    Rooster stopped crowing

    He’s approximately a year old. I have all of them on New Country Organics Layer Feed. No other symptoms at all. He’s still clucking, eating, and mating with the hens. I moved him in with the girls a few days ago, but he was still crowing after that. The only big change is him being able to...
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