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  1. I

    When will you take goslings from the flock

    I got them as adult birds. They were never close to me but they will come and hang out at where we work 😂😂 they ate 200 of my lettuce transplants last year. I feel like we have some very complex relationship going on here. They used to run towards me at feed time. Not anymore since the babies...
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    When will you take goslings from the flock

    I started with two geese the year before and last spring they hatched 2 so I kept them too 😁 but I added a few more into the flock last fall now I have too many 🤦
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    Community nest with broody birds... Have you had that happened. How did it go

    I tried to separate the nests and I'm getting really confused with them. I first tried to move my broody hen to her own nest with just chicken eggs. She keeps on going back to the duck eggs. Then I separate them apart and leave three nests in the pen. End up the two ducks sitting on one nest...
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    When will you take goslings from the flock

    Thank you @Berd Man and @AGeese I'm wondering how mad the geese will be 😂😂 and how long will they be mad at me for I currently have 8 but I'm planning on replacing most of them with my own hand raised one year by year. I have two in the house right now that I plan on releasing back to them at...
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    Need help with inner membrane trouble...

    I knew when I started incubating that those eggs are not in their best condition. But I figured I'll give them a try. Tho next time i would be more careful with them as this time I was kinda half paying attention to them and didn't get around to cool and mist on day 10 onwards. One of my geese...
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    When will you take goslings from the flock

    Hey guys I have a mama goose hatched 5 goslings. I have one hatched from the incubator n I took one from their group. Im gonna keep the two but planning on rehome the rest What's the best approach to do this ? Right now the whole flock is watching over the goslings I feel like if I waited...
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    Community nest with broody birds... Have you had that happened. How did it go

    Hi guys I have 2 chicken 2 ducks and 2 geese sitting on eggs right now Most of my birds free ranging except a few ducks. The one one chicken is sitting on is a community nest with many laid there... I didn't notice her being broody till a few days later. Now some of the eggs she sits on are...
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    Need help with inner membrane trouble...

    He hatched but was not in good condition He couldn't stand up and neck was bend... I had a friend who would hand raise him but he didn't make it to the destination :( Tho I just had another goose hatched It was a staggered hatch
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    Helping more or leave it alone , goose egg hatching

    Hey guys I need some advices here This is the goose egg I'm hatching. This one has been chirping inside the egg for 2 days. So this morning I decided to open a safety hole on the fat end of the egg. Which by the look of it, the gosling is in wrong position and I have no idea where the head...
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    Need help with inner membrane trouble...

    Thanks for the reply I'm pretty certain that the gosling is in bad position. After I opened the safety hole this morning , I peeled back a little bit shell and there was blood so I stopped, dried up blood with paper towel and put it back with paper towel wrapped like a donut under it. I peeled...
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    Need help with inner membrane trouble...

    Saw your comment and wondering if I can pick your brain on this I have some goose eggs that's hatching. One of them has been chirping for 2 days with no signs of external pip... So I opened a safety hole and left it for a.while but still no progress so I opened a little more and noticed that...
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Ohhh I really hope yours goes well !! I love geese I don't have really high hope on my eggs this time as I didn't really collect them on time. Some has been left out in the freezing nights.
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    It had been two days since I hear him chirping and no sign of external pip And I suspect he is in a wrong position too as the Air cell is on the side of the egg not on top. I did end up helping and peeled a little shell off ( my son is really hoping for a gosling to care for ) but he is not...
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    That's what I was thinking. The air cell on the eggs are very odd looking too. I assume because they got cold at night after they were laid. I'm gonna make a safety holes tomorrow if they don't pip externally then. I actually have another 5 eggs in there that I put in after a week lol. So...
  15. I

    Goose eggs day 29 been chirping for a day. When do I need to intervene ?

    They are pilgrim/chinese goose mix ( I was under the impression they are pilgrim until one of my male who is almost pure white turned to be a female 😂😂) Really hope they will hatch soon lol. Next year I'll do some duck eggs with goose eggs again like I did last year, it's so much easier to...
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    Goose eggs day 29 been chirping for a day. When do I need to intervene ?

    Hey guys I'm hatching some goose eggs right now. They are not the best quality eggs, from my own flock. I have two goose that has been laying for almost two months and it is still very cold at night where I am. I was just stealing eggs from them so they would keep on laying till weather warm...
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I'm really hoping they will hatch out. I wasn't going to incubate then but my son wants some goslings to take care of so I picked 13 eggs I stole from them while it was still freezing out at night. I think only 3 out of 13 made it to lockdown ( I also added another half dozen a week after 😂😂)...
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi everyone I have been away Was just logging in to ask a question about hatching lol I have a few goose eggs in the incubator now ready to hatch They are chirping away but been over 24 hours now and still hasn't externally pipped yet lol I have been going down every couple of hours to...
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    Injured goose with ruptured wounds

    Thank you guys for the replies The vet has prescribed antibiotics, I got two syringes of anti inflammatory and some powdered antibiotics to mix in the water. He doesn't touch those mixed water very much. So right now I'm just keeping applying antibiotic ointment on his wounds. I'm planning on...
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