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  1. P

    Temporary coop ideas?

    Large wire dog crate, if you have one. You can pull out the bottom every day and hose it down. Or, leave it out so they are on the grass.
  2. P

    Relationship Between Hen and Grown Chicks: Will She Be Nicer?

    All mothers get "mean" to their offspring to teach them manners, and to encourage them to be independent.
  3. P

    Power in Coop

    I bring water out when I feed them, 2 or 3 x a day. I live in Michigan.
  4. P

    Does my hoop coop need a frame?

    If it was lower it would withstand wind better. You want a panel side on the wind side. The wind will just roll right up and over if it is not a straight side. You would loose height, but gain width. There needs to be a frame at the base. Then, you build a frame for the door, or possibly two...
  5. P

    Govt funding for improved welfare for laying hens

    In Michigan battery cages have been on a phase out for five years, being total Dec 31, 2024.
  6. P

    I need some chicken coop advice

    How dry is the area? I have heavy clay and in the spring new ponds appear. If you have a septic field, that will be the highest place and probably a good place to put the coop, it is where we put ours. If your spring is wet and muddy, you need a place for melting snow and ice to go. Think...
  7. P

    I need some chicken coop advice

    Which direction do the strong winds come from? On that side make the wall curved so the wind will go around it. If you can't make a curve, then put a corner on that side so the wind hits the corner and goes off the right or left. Make these walls longer than the walls they are attached to so...
  8. P

    Turning Storage building into Coop--surrounding fence/net suggestions?

    If you use clear fishing it might be invisible during certain parts of the day. Also include black fishing line for visibility.
  9. P

    Coop redesign

    One thing I would have liked is a pipe for water from the house to the coop. It depends on how many chickens and turkeys you have and how difficult it is to carry the water. Depending on how far from the house the coop will be, an electrical extension (wire buried underground in a conduit pipe)...
  10. P

    Wet conditions in run

    You could put fireplace logs in the run so they have a place that is dry to stand on
  11. P

    8 week old cockerel violently attacking sibling

    You don't need a rooster that is that aggressive at only eight weeks of age. He needs to go.
  12. P

    How to catch chicks that don't want to be caught

    Feed them in the coop. A meal in the morning, a meal midday, then a meal well before dusk. Once they are in the coop shut the door. Do this for two or three days. You can then put the food right in front of the coop and see if they will enter it on their own.
  13. P

    My coop design and build blog

    Looks normal to me.
  14. P


    Like Ridgerunner wrote, first hose it down. This gets rid of so much "stuff". I then use diluted dish detergent and use the hose to move it around, then rinse. Use what you would scrub with, brush, pots and pans scrubber, even a wash cloth. Hose down to rinse. That is for the solid areas...
  15. P

    Neighbor's bird's on my property exposed to eye conjunctivitis and or possibly avian flu.. what do I do?

    When chickens get avian flu they die. They drop dead. Their flock would be dead or dying. Avian flu is spread by waterfowl, who don't show symptoms. I would not worry about avian flu, but contact a vet about the conjunctivitis.
  16. P

    Has anyone successfully built a coop/run around an existing tree?

    The tree grows up, across, then drops a little. You would have to fence in the entire tree to keep a five foot or more height from the ground. If you include the tree in the run you may have chickens that can get up high enough to roost in it, and therefore be able to escape from the run. An...
  17. P

    Chickens and Gardens

    They will peck at the tomatoes, but won't eat the leaves. They will scratch the dirt looking for worms and bugs.
  18. P

    Installing windows backwards in Midwest

    If the window is set backwards it can open from the outside and be locked or unlocked from the outside. One of those photos shows a slider. It opens left to right instead of up or down. If left unlocked it can be opened from the outside, I have done it when I locked myself out of the house.
  19. P

    Has anyone successfully built a coop/run around an existing tree?

    I see the tree as a handy way for a predator to get into your run.
  20. P

    Puppy keeps attacking chickens

    Training, training, and more training. A harness works better than a collar for this type of training because it gives you control of the shoulders. Also, people pay me to train their dogs (train the human). If you know what a clicker is, use it. First train "leave it". That means don't...
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